BADGE 1711, ID 3677
SDPD 02/21/1985 - 04/25/2016
04/16/1963 - 04/27/2022

Alan Alvarez, a former San Diego police officer that shared his story of battling a rare disease with ABC 10News over the last few years, has passed away.
Alvarez suffered from progressive muscular atrophy, a rare motor neuron disease in the ALS family.
His loved ones confirmed his death on Wednesday.
Alvarez spent more than 30 years with the department, calling it "a very rewarding career" during an interview in 2020.
In 2012, Alvarez was doing a firearms test when he noticed an issue with his hands. He was eventually diagnosed with progressive muscular atrophy. He had been in and out of the hospital several times this year and became bedridden.
He leaves behind his mother, Martha, and brother, Alex.
A San Diego Police Department spokesperson released a statement to ABC 10News. “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Officer Alan Alvarez. He served the San Diego community for more than 30 years and was a beloved member of our SDPD family. He will be missed," wrote Lt. Adam Sharki on behalf of the department.

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