ID 3702
SDPD 02/21/1985 - 1987
1954 - 08/13/1991
Funeral services will be held Tuesday for a former San Diego police officer who died last week while piloting a Drug Enforcement Administration helicopter that crashed during an emergency landing in Hawaii.
Allen Howard Winn, 37, died Tuesday in the crash on the island of Hawaii about 40 miles north of the city of Hilo, officials said. He was flying in a helicopter that was part of a DEA marijuana eradication program called Operation Wipe Out.
The cause of the crash was being investigated, but foul play was not suspected, officials said. Three other law enforcement officers who were also in the helicopter survived the crash.
Winn served as a San Diego police officer from 1985 until 1987 when he joined the DEA, officials said. Before that, he was a Marine Cobra helicopter pilot.
He is survived by his wife, Kristy, and two children, Whitney Lea, 7, and Lauren Ashley, 4.

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