BADGE 662, ID 1869
SDPD 09/15/1953 - 10/08/1978
04/08/1924 - 10/01/2013
SAN DIEGO -- Our Carl, dad, papa passed away October 1, 2013, surrounded by his family.
He was born on April 8, 1924 in Indiana and was raised on a farm.
He served the U.S. Marines in World War II in the South Pacific.
He returned to San Diego to marry his sweetheart Shirley. They had three children, Susan Speck, David Shipley and Barbara Huber.
Carl was a S.D. Police officer for 25 years.
He was a strong individual with a soft heart, an honest and true family man.
Survived by his wife, Shirley of sixty six years, three children, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Heartfelt thanks to caregivers Luigi, Issa and Karen and Kaiser Hospice for their wonderful support.

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