BADGE 3229, ID 5220
SDPD 02/13/1995 - 02/18/2017
10/29/1958 - 01/07/2023

On Sunday, January 7th, we lost an exceptional wife, mother, and friend — Debbie Katherine Becker. She was surrounded by loved ones who held her hands and made sure she knew just how loved she was.
Debbie was one of the few people who truly relished life and lived it to its absolute fullest. She loved spending time outdoors and there were few things she enjoyed more than a beautiful day and a long trail ride. She travelled the world, danced till she dropped countless nights, and cultivated a life and home that she cherished.
Debbie had happy places — her home (DJ’s Hideaway), Kauai, V6 Ranch, and anywhere she could ride. She was a strong, independent woman who took immense pride in her ability to take on any challenge and “figure it out”. She was a planner, through and through, and anyone who’s ever been to one of her Christmas parties knows just how good she was. She always wanted to make people happy and to feel special, whether it was cooking a meal, finding a special gift from her travels, or just sending a card to let you know she was thinking of you.
She was dedicated to making the world a better place for others and spent 22 years on the San Diego Police Department doing exactly that. She went above and beyond her duties to make sure that the communities and people she served had a voice and knew that they were not alone. Her time on the mounted unit was particularly special to her, combining two of her greatest passions, and she often said “I can’t believe they’re paying me to ride!”
Her fire and spirit shone through for all who knew her, and they carried her through her fight with ovarian cancer and helped her to support so many others in their own battles. She is loved and missed by so many but especially by Scott and Jessica, who will always hold her in their hearts.

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