BADGE 198 & 296
SDPD 03/02/1962 - 12/20/1974
02/03/1930 - 09/05/2003
Donald Eugene Hildreth, 73, a Carson City resident for the past year, died Sept. 5, 2003, in Carson City. He was born Feb. 3, 1930, in Marion, Ohio, to James T. L. and Hulda Creasap Hildreth.
He attended high school and trade college.
He married Joyce K. on Feb. 2, 1957, in Las Vegas.
Before moving to Carson City, he lived in Hemet, Calif.
Mr. Hildreth was a San Diego City Police detective. He was a member of the Elks.
He served in the U.S. Navy for four years during the Korean War, stationed on the USS Higbee.
Among his survivors are his wife and daughter, Sharron A. Ruston, both of Carson City; sister Margie Weston and brothers Raymond, Carl, Howard and Virgil, all of Caledonia, Ohio; and many nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles.

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