BADGE 97 & 690, ID 1663
SDPD 07/01/1954 - 1979
02/06/1927 - 09/03/2013
Donald Mueller, age 86, of Sun City West, AZ, was born February 6, 1927 in Chicago, IL, and died September 3, 2013 in Sun City West, AZ.
He was the son of the late Christian and Josephine Mueller.
He was preceded in death by wife Betty June Palmer and brother Everett Mueller. Surviving are his brothers Francis, James and John Mueller.
Beloved father to daughter Patricia and son Michael. Grandfather of four and great- grandfather of five.
Don served his country in US Navy and US Naval Reserve.
He served his community for 22 years with the San Diego Police Department and retired as Detective Sergeant in 1979.
Don was a longtime resident of San Diego.
With his friends and family he enjoyed traveling, camping, hiking, fishing, crafts and social club activities.
Don is missed by all who knew him.

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