BADGE 906, ID 2645
SDPD 04/30/1979 - 05/27/1994
09/20/1953 - 10/23/2020
Frank Martin Addington, 67, passed away on October 23, 2020 in Las Vegas, NV.
He was born on September 20, 1953 to Martin and Jeanne Addington in California. He had two sisters.
He graduated from Clairmont High School in 1970.
Frank was a part of the U.S. Air Force. He went on to have four children. During his life Frank was apart of the Las Vegas VFW and the American Legion.
Frank was preceded in death by his mother and father. He is survived by his sons Martin and Paul, his daughters Danielle and Lisa, his sistes Diane and Carol, and his 10 grandchildren.

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