BADGE 1754, ID 5455
SDPD 04/13/1998 - 01/11/2022
08/01/1972 - 01/11/2022
Officer Gary L. Bowen Jr. of the Neighborhood Policing Division unexpectedly passed away on January 12, 2022 after medical complications.
Officer Bowen was hired as a Police Recruit in the 40th Academy Class on April 13, 1998. He was assigned to Neighborhood Policing, Homeless Outreach (HOT) as a patrol officer and served on the Honor Guard Team as a collateral duty at the time of his passing.
He received four Commanding Officer Citations and two Exceptional Performance Citations. Officer Bowen worked patrol at Northeastern, Central and Western Division, he also worked the Broadway Front Counter, Domestic Violence Investigations and Sex Crimes Investigations in an administrative capacity.
Officer Bowen was 49 years old and was a dedicated public servant with the San Diego Police Department for more than two decades.
Officer Bowen is survived by his wife Monica and sons Trevor and Alex.

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