COLLIS, George O. "Papa". Born 1-25-22. Passed away at 1:30 p.m. May 14, 1998 in the company of family and friends in the comfort of his own home.
Former U.S. Army Sergeant WW II, San Diego Police motorcycle officer 1947-1959.
Owner operator of "Collis Friendly Mobil Service" 5900 Severin Dr., La Mesa 1960-1965.
Retired from North Island Naval Air Station as a heavy equipment mechanic.
Preceded in death by his wife of 44 yrs Mrs. Lyda LaDene Collis "Nana".
Survived by brother Thomas E. Collis, daughter Karrlyn VanVooren, sons Chip Sherard and Randy Collis. 6 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. "Papa" is and always will be missed by everyone who knew him. He was a great, loving father, step-father, brother, grandfather, good neighbor and just a great person. There should be more like him.
"Papa" give "Nana" a big hug and kiss for all of us.

Basic information is provided as a courtesy and is obtained from a variety of sources including public data, museum files and or other mediums. While the San Diego Police Historical Association strives for accuracy, there can be issues beyond our control which renders us unable to attest to the veracity of what is presented. More specific information may be available if research is conducted. Research is done at a cost of $50 per hour with no assurances of the outcome. For additional information please contact us.
SDPD 10/31/1947 - 12/13/1959
01/25/1922 - 05/14/1998