SDPD 05/31/1951 - 01/01/1965
05/22/1901 - 08/041989
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George Beed Kenline, 88, an Ocean Beach resident for 77 years and former design engineer for San Diego Gas & Electric Company, died Tuesday in Mission Bay Hospital.
He was crowned King of Ocean Beach during community festivities in 1976 in recognition of the many years he had lived in the community and participated in its activities.
He was born May 22, 1901, in Duluth, Minn., and the family moved to San Diego in 1912.
Mr. Kenline was a 1919 graduate of San Diego High School and studied for two years at the University of Oregon. He earned his degree in electrical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1926. He was a member of Eta Kappa Nu fraternity.
In 1928, he joined the staff of SDG&E as a design engineer and remained in that post until 1966. During World War II, he served as a captain in the Army Signal Corps.
Mr. Kenline was a Mason, a past officer and member of Point Loma Lodge 620 F.&A.M. He had served as a San Diego reserve police officer for 15 years.
Survivors include two sisters, Winifred K. Schnepp of San Diego and Florence K. Wolff of San Marcos.