BADGE 10, 41, 52 & 407, ID 1705
SDPD 05/21/1947 - 02/08/1976
1920 - 03/17/1996
Promoted to Sergeant 09/19/1955
Promoted to Lieutenant 01/19/1962
Promoted to Captain 10/08/1971

Gordon J. Oberle, a retired San Diego police captain and decorated World War II veteran, died of heart failure Sunday in his Point Loma home. He was 76.
Capt. Oberle settled in San Diego more than 50 years ago after serving four years in the Army and attaining the rank of technical sergeant. As an infantryman in Germany, he was awarded the Bronze Star.
During his 29 years with the San Diego Police Department, he was the second lieutenant to head the internal affairs division and one of the first captains to serve in the Northern Division offices in the University City area.
"I enjoyed that the most because it was like having your own little police department. You had more latitude in what you could do, and we accomplished a lot," he said upon his retirement.
Earlier, he had been in charge of the department's crime lab, records and property room. He also worked in such diverse areas as narcotics, homicide, burglary and the juvenile division.
Honing his communication skills in Toastmasters International, Capt. Oberle represented the San Diego Police Department in talks to many civic groups over the years.
He retired in 1976, after which he traveled extensively with his wife, Joyce, and worked on property he had bought in Julian.
Capt. Oberle was active in the Lions Club, Elks Lodge 168 and a retirement organization for police officers and firefighters.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Sharon Tam and Loree Oberle-Edwards, both of San Diego; a brother, Raymond, of Cecil, Wis.; and three grandchildren.

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