BADGE 995, ID 1348
SDPD 05/26/1972 - 1984
SDPHA DEPUTY DIRECTOR 2013 - 10/28/2016
02/12/1945 - 10/28/2016
Charles Larry Gilson, 71, San Diego, died on Friday, October 28th, 2016, from complications of bladder cancer in San Diego, California.
Charles was born February 12, 1945, Uniontown, Pennsylvania. He joined the Navy out of high school and moved to San Diego. Charles then worked as a police officer for the San Diego Police Department for close to 13 years. In later years Charles worked for Elite Security and loved working at the Padres and Charger games.
Larry also served as a Deputy DIrector of the San Diego Police Museum for three years.
He is survived by his children, Brenda and Charles, his stepsons, Jason and Michael, his ex-wife, Dorothy and family in Pennsylvania.

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