SDPD 02/02/1971 - 05/26/1981
04/10/1921 - 05/28/1984
Lawrence Cain was sworn in as a reserve officer in February 1971. He died in May 1984 from a heart attack. Larry was a lifelong resident of the Serra Mesa Community.
Larry was born in 1921 in Maryland and reared there.
In 1939 he enlisted in the United States Navy. During WWII he served as a gunner on the infamous Murmansk supply convoys to Russia. Larry survived his ship being torpedoed and sunk by a German U-Boat. Larry retired from the USN in 1959.
As an SDPD reserve officer Larry quickly advanced in rank and earned many commendations including, apprehension and conviction of two "Vels" gang members in the murder of Archie Buggs in 1978.
Larry is survived by his wife Georgine, children Patti, Larry Jr., Candice and Rosemary.
Larry's final resting place is at Fort Rosecrans overlooking San Diego Bay.

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