ID 8847
SDPD 03/31/1989 - 04/01/2020
08/19/1961 - 08/04/2020

On August 4th, Mark Andrew Sholan sadly lost his valiant three year battle with cancer. Throughout his fight he maintained his quick and understated sense of humor, while continuing to sincerely care about others.
Mark was born on August 19, 1960 in Marysville Ca. He graduated from Clairemont High School in 1978 and Grossmont College in 1998 with a degree in Criminal Justice. He proudly worked 31 years for the San Diego Police Department as a Property Clerk, where he made many lifelong friends.
Mark was an active participant serving as a Sergeant of Arms for the Sons of the American Legion Post 460. Some of Mark’s service projects were distributing Thanksgiving dinners at the VA hospital and helping to distribute Christmas cards at the Veterans Home of Chula Vista. He was passionate about running, once having completed the Rock-N-Roll Marathon.
Mark is survived by his parents; Ron and Mary Sholan; his brothers Dave, Bob and Mike; his sister Kathy; his nephews, Mike Jr., William, Thomas and Tyler and his nieces Andrea, Vanessa and Stephanie.
Mark “the Shark” will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him; his family, his friends and his other family, the SDPD.

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