BADGE 442 & 447, ID 1249
SDPD 07/06/1962 - 10/24/1992
04/21/1939 - 07/16/2020
G.L. Matt' Dillon 1939 - 2020
Gene was born in Twin Falls, ID. He played football in high school and worked in the farming and fish industry.
At age 18, Gene enlisted in the Navy, traveled to San Diego, met and married Carolyn, his wife of 61 years.
Father of three sons, Matt was involved as Cub Master and little league coach.
He enjoyed riding dune buggies, ATVs, and motorcycles with the boys in the desert.
Matt served 30 years on the SD police department, the majority of time in forgery and fraud division. Upon retirement he worked 10 years as security liaison for Union Bank. Matt was preceded in death by #3 son, John.
He is survived by a brother, two sisters, wife, sons, Stephen and David, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

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