ID 8759
SDPD 09/11/1987 - 11/20/2018
03/03/1960 - 11/27/2018

Monica began her career with the San Diego Police Department in 1987. She started in the Records Division and was assigned to ID Section as a Clerical Assistant. She quickly advanced to a supervisor position. She supervised the ID Section, Customer Service and the Mailroom at various times during her career. She was the type of supervisor who showed concern for her staff and mentored several into leadership roles. She was knowledgeable and driven by a standard of excellence. Monica had the ability to remain calm even in the most chaotic situations. She helped to stream-line and implement new procedures for Records staff to work smarter by updating CAL-ID procedures, creating the weekly schedule and processing timecards. She demonstrated utmost professionalism in corresponding with law enforcement and civilian staff.
In 2010, C.L.E.A.R.S. [California Law Enforcement Association of Records Supervisors] allocated Monica to Legislative Chairperson. She took this assignment seriously as she did all of her assignments. She made several trips to the State Capitol for briefings and provided the most comprehensive reporting on pending litigation, new bills being passed, and their impact on the Department. Her work ethic earned her numerous Commendations and Commanding Officer Citations.
Monica was soft-spoken and petite, but co-workers attest she had “the heart of a lioness.” Shakespeare best describes Monica with the sentiment that “though she be but little, she is fierce.” Monica was strong willed, opinionated, and articulate--a true powerhouse. When she believed strongly in something, she fought tooth and nail for it. She once got into a fight over a penny--it was the principal of the matter.
Monica was talented, creative, and very meticulous. She had a beautiful singing voice and could really “belt it out.” Her decorating skills speak volumes. She paid attention to every minute detail in her work and in her hobbies. Monica was known for her phenomenal planning and coordinating skills and she was a party planner par excellence. She threw the most lavish retirement and birthday parties for her co-workers and friends. Her biggest fault was that she kept painstaking records and refused to destroy a single file.
Monica believed strongly in the power of prayer. Each Thursday morning, she faithfully met the chaplains and other members of the Police Department at the flag pole to pray God’s protection over the Department and each member. She genuinely cared about people. When a Department Announcement mentioned a member being ill or in the hospital, Monica would call or write them a letter of encouragement.
Records lost a treasure when in December 0f 2016, Monica transferred to her most recent assignment as Administrative Aide for Permits and Licensing.
Monica led a long career with the San Diego Police Department and her impact is still felt in the Records Division.

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