SDPD PENDING- 03/09/1959
02/10/1923 - 08/08/1999
SCHATZINGER, Richard Wayne. Passed away August 8, 1999 at his daughter Joanne Paine's home in Ferndale, Calif.
He was a resident of Fortuna, Calif.
Richard was born Feb. 10, 1923 in Tiffin, Ohio. He joined the Navy in 1942 and served as a Chief Pharmacist Mate during WW II.
He met his wife Helen while they were both stationed at Port Hueneme. They were married Feb. 22, 1946 in Yreka, Calif. at the home of her parents.
Richard was a longtime resident of San Diego. He retired after many years with SDG&E where he was an investigator for the Claims Dept.
He was a member of Faith Lutheran Church for many years.
He was preceded in death by his wife Helen of 52 years Sept. 13, 1998.

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