BADGE 1285, ID 3050
SDPD 04/14/1980 - 07/30/2002
07/04/1950 - 10/03/2018

Born to parents Frank and Frances Higuera of Yuma Arizona (deceased) on July 4, 1950 and sadly taken from us at the young age of 68 by Alzheimer's on October 6, 2018.
After graduating from Yuma High School and attending AWC, Steve joined the US Navy and served on the USS Constellation during the Vietnam war. He then settled and lived in San Diego, CA, became a San Diego police officer and served 30 years until his retirement in 2006.
He will be greatly missed for his sense great of humor, love of life, classic cars, Harley motorcycles and his deep love and devotion to his family and friends. We will cherish his memory.
He is survived by Wife Susan Higuera (Sue's daughter Katie & her husband Ryan, grandchildren Taylor & Baylee) (Sue's son Matthew, grandchildren Tanner & Gaige) His two sisters Audrey Corrales (husband Dorian Corrales), Roxanne Barnes (husband Frank Barnes), Nieces Galyn Carlson (husband Jeff Carlson and two sons Noah & Haden), Sharine Rivas (husband Bob Rivas and two children Austyn & Coltyn), Nicole Brown (& daughter Olivia). Steve will also be forever remembered by friends and family too numerous to list but not forgotten.

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