ID 3671
SDPD 01/031985 - 10/09/1994
09/10/1963 - 10/09/1994

Services have been scheduled for Sgt. Steven Michael Santi, a San Diego Police Department officer who was killed when his motorcycle collided with a car near Poway.
Rosary was recited at St. Michael's Catholic Church of Poway. A funeral Mass was also at St. Michael's, followed by interment at Dearborn Memorial Park in Poway.
Sgt. Santi, 31, was a nine-year veteran of the Police Department assigned to the Eastern Division. He was off duty at the time of the collision, which occurred on state Route 67.
Leovardo S. Aguirre, driver of the car that authorities say crossed a center divider and collided with Sgt. Santi's motorcycle, was arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder and felony drunken driving.
Sgt. Santi, a native of Brunswick, Ga., lived in Rancho Bernardo. He was a graduate of San Diego State University with a degree in criminal justice and had been working toward a master's degree. He had been promoted to sergeant in August 1991 and was assigned to special projects.
Survivors include his parents, Ralph and Elaine Santi, a brother, Dennis, and a sister, Sheryl Gaunt, all of San Diego; and grandparents, Louis and Mary Santi of Omaha, Neb.

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