When Adam E. "Elmer" Jansen was named Police Chief in 1947, one of his first priorities was to "modernize" the Police Department by dismantling an archaic decentralization systems with substations in East San Diego, Ocean Beach and La Jolla. He wanted his men in radio equipped squad cars in the field rather than sitting in armchairs at the substations.
Tuesday, Mayor Pete Wilson will join Chief Bill Kolender in dedicating a site for the new Western substation at 5480 Gaines Street, heralding the construction of a new decentralized system of seven police stations throughout the city after 10 years of study and debate.
Jansen's bid for more efficiency and administrative control was a qualified success - the City Council closes the Ocean Beach and East San Diego stations over residents protests that the stations anchored community identity and deterred crime. La Jollans succeeded in preserving "our police station" until 1968 when it was replaced by the current
The permenant Western Division substation is located at
5215 Gaines St, San Diego, CA 92110.
Western Division serves a population of 129,709 people and encompasses 22.7 square miles. Service areas include the neighborhoods of Hillcrest, La Playa, Linda Vista, Loma Portal, Midtown, Midway District, Mission Hills, Mission Valley West, Morena, Ocean Beach, Old Town, Point Loma Heights, Roseville-Fleetridge, Sunset Cliffs, University Heights and Wooded Area.
Historical Credit: San Diego Union October 12, 1980. Steve LaRue and Dave Polis
Staff Writers