ID 9986
SDPD 09/18/1978 - PENDING
07/07/1933 - 01/07/2018

Reserve Sergeant Wallace G. Clow "Wally"
By Sergeant Dale T. Shockley Sr., SDPD RET
Wally passed away quietly surrounded by his family. He is now at peace having suffered many years with the debilitating effects of a stroke and the daily struggles that accompanied it.
Wally had the respect and admiration of all the officers, regardless of rank and assignment, with whom he worked. He worked more hours in the field than most regular officers. He worked numerous assignments in both uniform and undercover capacities.
His final years were spent working in the Narcotics Division. He handled his own caseload and all associated duties, including the preparation of DA packages. He was an experienced detective and a court recognized narcotics expert.
Wally received numerous commendations up to, and including, a Meritorious Service Award.
Wally was a courageous individual who never hesitated to go to the aid of an officer even when bullets were flying. He saved my butt on numerous occasions.
Wally was once asked to go regular by Bill Kolender. Wally politely refused. He explained being a reserve was his fun. If he got paid it would be work. He was a retired Navy Lieutenant Commander and was through working for a living.
Most importantly Wally was my best friend. I will miss him greatly. I have watched him bravely struggle with the many stroke related problems for so many years. He is now at peace and for that I am thankful. 
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