Assistant Chief of Police Walt Vasquez was hired by the SDPD in 1987.
In March of 2013, Walt was promoted to Assistant Chief of Patrol Operations. His first patrol assignment was in Southeastern Division where he worked as a patrol officer, Field Training Officer and an Acting Sergeant, for four and a half years. Walt was transferred to Training Division to teach Defensive Tactics and Use of Force to police recruits and advanced officers. Walt was promoted to Sergeant in 1994 and assigned to Eastern Division. As a Sergeant, he also worked in Field Operations and the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) office.
Walt was promoted to Lieutenant in 1998 and his assignments included Central Division patrol, Internal Affairs and Southern Division. In 2005, Walt was promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned to Human Resources. He returned to Southern Division as its Commanding Officer during the same year.
In 2006, Walt became the Commanding Officer in the Operational Support section where he was responsible for the Critical Incident Management Unit (CIMU), the Event Development Unit (EDMU) and Special Events.
Assistant Chief Vasquez is a subject matter expert in the following areas; use of force and narcotic sales and has testified in criminal and civil trials on behalf of the San Diego Police Department.
Walt is an avid runner and has competed with the SDPD Running Team in the Baker to Vegas Relay Race for the past 19 years. On three occasions, Walt has run on the winning team, in a race that has approximately 230 teams.