BADGES 28, 196 & 330, ID 1138
SDPD 12/01/1958 - 12/27/1988
11/25/1936 - 01/08/1989
Services for retired San Diego police Lt. William B. Campbell, 53, of El Cajon, will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow in First Baptist Church of El Cajon. Burial will be in Glen Abbey Memorial Park. El Cajon Mortuary is in charge. He died Sunday in a hospital.
Lt. Campbell was born in Porterville, Calif., lived in the county 30 years and worked for the San Diego Police Department for 30 years. His last assignment was in field operations management. He held a teaching certificate in police science and criminal justice.
He received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Service Award from the International Juvenile Officers Association and the Award of Appreciation from the California Youth Authority and the San Bernardino County Law Enforcement Training Institute.
Survivors include his wife, Joyce; a son, Rod, of El Cajon; two daughters, Stephanie, of El Cajon, and Johanna, of Lakeside; his mother, Belva Smiley of El Cajon; a brother, Jonathan Johnson of Texas; two sisters, Donna Pirtle of Anderson, Calif., and Faye Green of Visalia, Calif.; and a grandchild.

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