ID 0552
SDPD 05/01/1994 - 05/23/2023
08/23/1958 - 05/23/2023

Fred Zuckerman, age 65, of Tierrasanta, California passed away on Monday, May 8, 2023, following a five year battle with kidney cancer. Fred passed away quietly at his home in Tierrasanta with his beloved dog Jasper at his side.
Fred was born on Saturday, August 23, 1958, in San Diego, California. He graduated from La Jolla High in 1976. In 1981 he received his Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Colorado. Following his graduation from the university, Fred worked for a year at General Dynamics before joining his family's business, the Merry X-Ray Chemical Corporation.
While being a trained mechanical engineer, Fred's true calling was being a community volunteer. Fred started his life of community service at the Tierrasanta Police Store Front office on Friday, May 20, 1994. From this beginning Fred devoted a considerable portion of his free time and skills to the San Diego Police Department through writing over 70 computer programs, which includes: PD Roster, Red Book, Automated Line-Up System, Subpoena Log and the Special Events Staffing System, to name just a few.
Fred also went on to volunteer for other departments within the City of San Diego and his community of Tierrasanta, which includes Code Compliance, the San Diego Fire Department,CERT and the Humane Society, again to name just a few.
Due to his voluntary commitments to his community, Fred received numerous certificates and awards from the City of San Diego, the San Diego Police Department and the community of Tierrasanta.
Fred will be missed by all who knew him as a true patriot who dedicated his life selflessly to the service of his communities.

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