Adams, John L. Jr. - Patrolman (1971)
Adams, Yancy - Captain (1950)
Adamson, Nevin O. - Motorcycle Officer (1978)
Addison, Diamond - Operator (1953)
Agnew, George - Sergeant (1971)
Ah Quin, Thomas - Special Officer (1937)
Aitkens, George F. - Patrolman (1918)
Albright, Howard D. - Detective (1964)
Alcorn, Floyd R. - Patrolman (1960)
Aldridge, Herman H. - Patrolman (1971) 
Allen, Barbara L. – Policewoman (1969) 
Allen, Denis W. - Police Officer (1977) 
Allman, George B. - Patrolman (1980)
Alloway, William S. - Patrolman (1968) 
Anaya, Michael T. - Police Officer (1979) 
Anderson, Theodore C. - Patrolman (1958)
Angel, William E. - Mounted Officer (1975)   
Aperule, Charles L. - Reserve Officer (1959)
Armstrong, Solon – Motorcycle Officer (1956)
Arnold, Ernest C. - Patrolman (1978)
Aylesbury, Arthur G. - Reserve Patrolman (1959)
Baber, Eldon C - Reserve Patrolman (1963)
Bachman, Lester B. - Patrolman (1979)
Bailes, William W. Jr. - Patrolman (1972)
Bain, Harold H.  - Sergeant (1971)
Baker, Dillard  - Patrolman (1958)
Baker, Francis O. - Patrolman (1957)
Balch, Edmund I. - Patrolman (1969)
Baldwin, Daniel T. - Patrolman (1974)
Bardot, Jean W.  - Sergeant (1970)
Barnes, Harry R. - Reserve Patrolman (1971)
Barnes, Joseph W. - Inspector (1971)
Barr, William D. - Patrolman (1971)
Barry, Frederick L. - Clerk (1942)
Barto, Trevlyn M. - Reserve Patrolman (1966)
Barton, Lorenzo P. "Larry" - Assistant Chief (1937)
Bates, Blanche H. - Policewoman (1953)
Bauer, Archie - Mechanic (1974)
Beaty, John F. - Detective (1956)
Beck, Betty - Dispatcher (1980)
Becker, Alwin P. - Motorcycle Officer (1967)
Beckett, Robert B. "Bruce" - Captain (1975)
Behrens, Walter O. - Patrolman (1940)
Bellon, Walter Jr. - Detective (1967)
Benbough, Percival J. – Chief of Police (1942)
Bennett, Jeannie M. – Police Matron (1947)
Benter, Dean C. – Motorcycle Officer (1964) 
Berg, Jasper L. – Chief of Detectives (1942)
Berghofer, George - Patrolman (1938)
Bernal, Ralph A. –Detective (1963)
Berrie, Malcolm H. – Detective Lieutenant (1933)
Bertschi, Floyd R. - Reserve Patrolman (1980)
Besnah, Glenn A. - Patrolman (1984)
Best, James F. - Patrolman (1944)
Bethel, Wiliam E. - Patrolman (1971)
Bettinger, Fredrick – Patrolman (1959)
Betts, Floyd E. - Reserve Patrolman (1978)
Biddle, Thurlow J. - Sergeant (1977)
Blacker, Francis W. – Detective (1948)
Blackledge, Thomas H. - Patrolman (1909)
Blair, Ethel B. - Matron (1957)
Bobb, Gerald E. Sr. - Sergeant (1979)
Boisseree, Peter - Patrolman (1959)
Boland, Jack H. - Sergeant (1973)
Bonnett, C. Frank –  Mounted Officer (1971)
Boone, Florence - Radio Operator (1950)
Borum, Charles E. - Patrolman (1943)
Bosler, True L. - Patrolman (1960)
Boucherie, Frank – Patrolman (1935)
Bowe, Frank W. – Detective Sergeant (1935)
Bowers, Robert F. - Patrolman (1955)
Braisted, Peter – Patrolman (1970)
Bransford, Jack T. - Patrolman (1980
Brenning, Jacob – Chief of Police (1906)
Brigance, Guy D. - Sergeant (1954)
Broadnax, Thomas W. – Sergeant (1920)
Brouse, Wallace S. - Patrolman (1937)
Brust, Paul R. – Police Surgeon (1959)
Buck, Clarence N. - Motorcycle Officer (1976)
Buerger, Jack A. - Patrolman (1957)
Buggs, Archie C. - Police Officer (1978)
Burk, Charles W. – Detective (1940)
Burns, Marlin D. - Patrolman (1972)
Burton, Ruth R. - Typist (1994)
Bushman, Michael J. - Patrolman (1963)
Bushyhead, Edward – Chief of Police (1907)
Buttermore, Wesley B. Sr. - Mechanic (1976)
Buttrill, Rawlin "Ron" - Detective (1980)
Byers, Clyde C. - Patrolman (1964)
Cabana, Dorothy - Policewoman (1942)
Caliver, Paul A. - Custodian (1977)
Carse, William C. - Patrolman (1942)
Cassin, Francis W. - Motorcycle Officer (1956)
Campbell, Donald J. - Patrolman (1987)
Campbell, Emery E. - Motorcycle Officer (1913)
Campbell, James R. - Patrolman (1969) 
Campbell, Joseph C. – Deputy City Marshal (1906) 
Carson, Albert J. – Detective Sergeant (1962)
Carver, Archa D. - Patrolman (1972)
Cecliski, Henry R. - Patrolman (1972)
Chadwick, RIchard W. Jr. - Patrolman (1973)
Chadwick, Richard (Sr.) – Detective Sergeant (1951)
Chambers, Claude L. – Police Judge (1941)
Chandler, Leonard – Patrolman (1905)
Charles, Marion T. - Sergeant (1968)
Chauvaud, Louis G. – Patrolman (1952) 
Chestnut, William D. - Police Lifeguard (1972)
Chidester, Orpha A. - Patrolman (1976)
Chism, Milton C. - Patrolman (1977)
Christian, Albert E. "Chris" – Lieutenant (1971)
Christiansen, Fred H. - Patrolman (1993)
Churchman, Henry W. – Lieutenant (1961)
Clark, George W. - Deputy City Marshal (1917)
Clark, Samuel D. – Patrolman (1945)
Clark, William R. - Motorcycle Officer (1970)
Cline, Charles F. - Motorcycle Officer (1973)
Cloud, John W. - Sergeant (1947)
Clutterbuck, Lawrence – Patrolman (1939)
Coats, Arvillow M. - Deputy City Marshal (1936)
Cody, William H. – Patrolman (1945)
Cochran, Earl J. - Lieutenant (1974)
Cole, Arthur E. Jr. – Patrolman (1961)
Comstock, Artemas I. – Lieutenant (1966)
Cook, Berlyn - Patrolman (1972)
Cook, Jess B. - Deputy City Marshal (1938)
Cooley, George H. - Sergeant (1940)
Conerty, Frank C. - Reserve Sergeant (1979)
Conner, Harry J. - Patrolman (1978)
Connor, Henry R. - Patrolman (1965)
Connors, Frank S. - Motorcycle Officer (1939)
Connors, Paul – Lieutenant (1929)
Connors, William E. – Patrolman (1931)
Cook, Jesse B. – Deputy City Marshal (1938)
Cooley, George H. – Sergeant (1940)
Cooley, George R. – Detective Sergeant (1944) 
Cooper, Lamberton "Bert" – Patrolman (1959)       
Cordaro, Frank W. - Patrolman (1972)
Cota, Albert M. - Patrolman (2005)
Cota, Jose A. – Sergeant (1902)
Coryell, Theodore M. - Detective (1977)
Cottrell, Joseph W. - Reserve Officer (1974)
Couts, George A. – Detective (1932)
Courtney, Andrew J. – Patrolman (1926)
Coy, Maurice T. - Patrolman (1976)
Coyne, Joseph – Chief of Police (1916)
Crabtree, E. Hodge – Police Surgeon (1952)
Creighton, Montana V. – Police Operator (1971)
Crowell, Harry L. - Chauffer (1942)
Cross, Julie Y - Police Officer (1980)
Crosswaithe, Phillip - City Marshal (1902)
Crunk, Clayton F. - Motorcycle Officer (1979)
Dalton, Paul P. - Patrolman (1958)
Davin, Edward - Police Judge (1951)
Davis, Carl W. – Patrolman (1934)
Dawson, John S. - Patrolman (1966)
DeBoer, Emma J. – Matron (1931)
Deeds, Harvey K. - Patrolman (1964)
DeLemos, Norman J. - Reserve Officer (1968)
Dellis, Kenneth E. - Patrolman (1980)
DeWolf, Ralph E. - Patrolman (1947)
Devereux, Pershing  W. - Captain (1959)
Dibbs, Charles E. - Detective Lieutenant (1980)
Dieckmann, Edward Sr - Detective Lieutenant (1973)
Dietrich, Charles L. - Patrolman (1947)
Donnelly, Michael E.  - Chief of Detectives (1968)
Doran, Joseph V.  - Chief of Police (1945)
Doty, Fred E. - Detective (1947)
Dow, George F. - Deputy City Marshal (1923)
Dowding, Mawson L. "Bud" - Patrolman (1971)
Drake, Francis E.  - Detective (1964)
Duncan, William E. - Detective (1969)
Eckles, Jacob G. - Patrolman (1966)
Edwards, Freddie J. "Joel" - Sergeant (1971)
Eichbaum, Benjamin D. - Detective (1976)
Elliott, James R. - Detective (1960)
Elliott, Maurice D.  - Lieutenant (1946)
Ellsworth, Oliver J. - Mounted Officer (1924)
Eike, Herbert L. - Lieutenant (1980)
English, Victor R. Sr. - Motorcycle Officer (1977)
Ericson, Oscar W. - Motorcycle Officer (1947)
Erskine, Jack M. -  Motorcycle Officer (1966)
Erwin, George D. – Patrolman (1941)
Evans, George F. - Sergeant (1979)
Everitt, Robert - Sergeant (1964)
Evert, Charles C. - Patrolman +
Farwell, Charles L. – Sergeant (1939)
Ferrer, A.Y. - Patrolman (1909)
Fleming, Everett G. - Sergeant (1954)
Fish, H.O. – Detective Sergeant (1949)
Forbes, Edward F. – Sergeant (1952)
Freeburg, Oscar E.  – Lieutenant (1947)
Freed, Clyde B. - Chief of Detectives (1972)
Freeman, James C. - Sergeant  (1973)
Freeman, Richard - Deputy City Marshal (1851)
Freese, Glendon G. - Motorcycle Officer (1954)
Freshour, Leonard – Investigator (1947)
Fry, Charles W. - Patrolman (1969)
Fulkerson, John F. "Fred" - Police Chauffer (1972)
Fulkerson, Harold G. – Police Chauffer (1954)
Gabrielson, Gabriel E. - Jailer (1941)
Gabrielson, William A. - Sergeant (1978)
Gallaher, Hugh M. - Patrolman (1975)
Garlington, William F. - Inspector (1978)
Gassen, Adolph G. - City Marshal 1920
Gayer, Clarence W. – Sergeant (1961)
Gedney, Clare F. - Deputy City Constable
Gerlach- Lynn T. - Secretary (1936)
Gershon, David L. - Detective (1939)
Gibson, Harry E. - Patrolman (1939)
Gilchrist, James B.  – Motorcycle Sergeant (1964)
Gilroy, Frank M. - Patrolman (1978) 
Gilroy, George P. - Lieutenant (1936)
Gilliamson, John H. – Patrolman (1961)
Godbey, John H. - Patrolman (1968)
Golden, John E. "Jack" - Mounted Patrolman (1972)
Gordon, Margarite L. - Police Matron (1953)
Goodrich, Henry J. - Motorcycle Officer (1940)
Gonzales, Dennis G. - Police Officer (1979)
Graham, Charles H. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1972)
Graham. Geraldine C. - Police Matron (1955)
Grainger, Earl – Secretary to the Chief (1927)
Graham, Geraldine C. – Matron (1955)
Gray, Wayne N. - Sergeant (1975)
Green, William H. -  Patrolman (1974)
Griffith, Samuel M. – Patrolman (1953)
Griffiths, Robert C. - Sergeant (1976)
Grimme, Harry - Police Lifeguard (1979)
Guimond, Wilmer J. – Patrolman (1968)
Hale, Harry B. - Patrolman (1977) 
Hall, Andrew J. - Motorcycle Officer (1954)
Hambrough, Olga B. - Police Matron (1957)
Hammond, Byron E. - Motorcycle Officer (1968)
Hance, Ernest H. - Motorcycle Officer (1973)
Hancock, Chester A. - Patrolman (1972)
Hanks, William C. - Captain (1948)
Hansen, Donald C. - Detective (1958)
Haraszathy, Agoston - City Marshal (1868)
Harrington, John C. - Chauffer (1979)
Harris, Charles R. - Detective (1927)
Harris, Forest - Chauffer (1972)
Harris, Samuel O. - Patrolman (1941)
Harvey, Robert - Detective (1952)
Hart, Denny E. - Patrolman (1961)
Hays, Mercedes A. – Matron (1964)
Hayes, Paul J. Sr. - Chief of Detectives (1947)
Hays, Thomas N. - Patrolman (1974)
Hedden, Rollie M. - Patrolman (1943)
Heise, Harry J. – Sergeant (1949)
Henry, Albert - Motorcycle Officer (1979)
Hermanson, Thorsten - Reserve Officer (1976)
Herting, Edward W. Jr. - Patrolman (1973)
Hickey, Thomas W. - Patrolman (1914)
Hill, Arthur R.  – Chief of Police (1960)
Hill, Herbert E. – Detective (1933)
Hill (Griffin), Ida R. - Matron (1947)
Hixson, Joseph R. Jr. - Patrolman (1971)
Holbert, Glen C. - Reserve Officer (1968)
Holcomb, Raymond E. – Patrolman (1959)
Holcomb, Walter B. - Patrolman (1918)
Holland, Henry J. – Police Chauffer (1962)
Holley, Cecil F. - Sergeant (1955)
Hopkins, Olver S. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1915)
Howell, Grace - Policewoman (1948)
Howell, Louis W. - Patrolman (1975)
Hoy, Donald R. – Patrolman (1953)
Hudson, Charles K. - Patrolman/Police Lifeguard (1969)
Hughes, John M. Jr. - Detective Sergeant (1977)
Hunting, Hazel M. - Policewoman (1972)
Hunting, Walter L. – Motorcycle Sergeant (1963)
Hyatt, Vernon F. - Patrolman (1965)
Ihring, Harold D. - Patrolman (1973)
Isbel, Cody (Sr.) – Detective Sergeant (1970)
Isreal, Robert – Policeman/Deputy City Marshal (1908)
Jack, Howard W. - Motorcycle Officer (1976)
Jansen, Elmer A. - Chief of Police (1978)
Jeardue, Lucille A. - Policewoman (1952)
Jeffers, Joseph E. Jr. - Motorcycle Officer (1979)
Jobbins, Joseph S. – Detective Inspector (1957)
Johnson, Bobby - Reserve Officer (1976)
Johnson, Homer – Lieutenant (1970)
Johnson, Ivan V. - Patrolman (1974)
Johnston, Bert W. – Captain (1954)
Johnson, Robert A. - Patrolman (1935)
Johnston, William W. - Sergeant (1927)
Johnstone, Edward E. – Patrolman (1938)
Jones, Edward – Patrolman (1908)
Jones, Loyal C. "Charles" - Patrolman (1980)
Jourdin, Phillip L. – Patrolman (1930)
Junker, Lester W. - Detective (1980)
Jump, Robert S. - Motorcycle Officer (1979)
Kaczorowski (Murphy), Paul S. - Motorcycle Officer (1973)
Kahlow, Patrick V. - Police Lifeguard (1977)
Kaford, Theodore L. - Roundsman (1935)
Kappner, Fred W. - Patrolman (1964)
Kane, John A. - Lieutenant (1977)
Kay, Harry Jr. - Sergeant (1957)
Keays, Thomas A. - Sergeant (1937)
Keane, Patrick J. – Patrolman (1963)
Keller, Buford H. - Patrolman (1923)
Kelly, Fred J. - Motorcycle Officer (1956)
Kelly, Harry J. – Chief of Police (1955)
Kent, Donmarie - Intermediate Typist (1972)
Kern, William A. – Patrolman (1964)
Kidder, Murdock T. - Patrolman (1976)
Kirkland, Willard B. – Roundsman (1913) 
Klosterman, Fred H. - Police Stenographer (1947)
Kniskern, Elizabeth - Telephone Operator (1977)
Knowles, George H. – Deputy City Marshal (1926)
Knudsen, Levi E. - Patrolman (1962)
Krause, Arthur K.  – Sergeant (1956)
Krolick, Clement - Patrolman (1973)
LaFond, Gerald E. - Lieutenant (1978)
Lazalle, Horace C. - Police Surgeon (1957)
Leach, Edmond F. – Patrolman (1937)
Lee, Joseph S. - Motorcycle Officer (1921)
Leetch, Harry W. – Sergeant (1967)
Lewis, James P. "Pat" - Patrolman (1970)
Lightner, Fred E. "Jerry" – Detective Sergeant (1937)
Lindemood, George - Patrolman (1933)
Lindsey, Harold S. – Patrolman (1962)
Lobaugh, Harold E. - Patrolman (1978)
Logan,Frank E.  – Lieutenant (1969)       
Long, Jessie M. - Policewoman (1969)
Longacre, Edward – Roundsman (1909)
Longacre (Schiller) E., Rose – Matron (1969)
Longley, James L. - Patrolman (1950)
Lopez, Joseph A. – Detective Sergeant (1939)
Lowery, Jearlee Sr. - Detective (1993)
Ludwig, Jessie E. - Policewoman (1972)
Lukehart, Ralph - Lieutenant (1980)
Lusk, Lewis A. - Patrolman (1928)
Lutz, William K. - Sergeant (1979)
Lyles, Alvin (Jr.) – Lieutenant (1952)
Lynch, Wallace E. – Sergeant (1970)
Macy, Elmer H. - Patrolman (1977)
Macy, Walter J. - Deputy Chief (1969)
Magargal, Sidney C. Sr. - Patrolman (1962)
Magee, Allyn C. - Police Surgeon (1923)
Magone, Leo H. – Detective (1971)
Maguire, Anthony J. - Detective Sergeant (1973)
Mallicoate, Clara M. - Police Matron (1921)
Mallicoate, William E. - Patrolman (1928)
Mann, Charles T. – Patrolman (1967)
Marquardt, Robert L. - Police Lifeguard (1965)
Marrs, Charles F. – Mounted Officer (1958)
Marshall, Rodney - Patrolman (1962)
Martin, Carl H.T. - Chauffeur (1959)
Martin, Earl W. - Sergeant (1967)
Martin, Upton L. - Patrolman (1954)
Martindale, Gerald H. - Patrolman (1980)
Maskey, Benjamin F. – Patrolman (1933)
McAlmond, Maury H. - Patrolman (1943)
McAnally, Charles W. - Reserve Officer (1972)
McCann, John V. - Patrolman (1913)
McCarter, Frank A. - Special Officer (1934)
McCartney, John H. – Sergeant (1967)
McCarty, Frederick W. – Patrolman (1937)
McColl, William F. - Police Surgeon (1969)          
McCollum, Omer A. – Detective (1956)
McCoy, James - City Marshal (1895)
McDonald, Alva V. Sr. - Patrolman (1972)
McDuell, Chas – Patrolman (1919)
McDuell, James Jr. – Detective (1971)
McFadden, Edmund O. - Patrolman (1978)
McGarry, Lewis K. - Patrolman (1973)
McGuffey, Andrew J. - Roundsman (1949)
McHorney, Nathaniel J. – Detective (1956)
McLaren, Monte Cristo – Patrolman (1958)
McMullen, Stewart P. - Chief of Police (1954)
McOllum, Omer A. - Detective (1956)
McPherson, Robert B. - Patrolman (1929)
Mead, Judson W.  – Patrolman (1964)
Menke, William – Assistant Superintendent (1951)
Merritt, Frank G. – Captain (1970)
Miers, Lloyd E. - Laboratory Technician (1954)
Miller, George W. - Patrolman (1942)
Miller, Roy - Reserve Officer (1979)
Mills, Alexander E. - Deputy City Marshal (1920)
Mills, Mata E. - Clerk (1979)
Miner, Horace E. - Motorcycle Officer (1957)
Moore, Albert P. – Sergeant (1963)
Moore, Edward J. - Patrolman (1933)
Moore, John T. - Motorcycle Officer (1956)
Morey, Charles - Deputy City Constable
Morgan, Wilfred L. - Reserve Officer (1977)
Moriarty, Barthlowmew – Acting Chief of Police (1933)
Morrison, Paul J. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1972)
Morrison, Wallace D. – Patrolman (1963)
Morse, George L. – Sergeant (1960)
Mortensen, Allen D. - Cadet (1969)
Mote, Harry J. - Sergeant (1977)
Moulton, George W. – Chief of Police (1937)
Mullinix, Shockley D. – Sergeant (1957)
Murray, Charles E. - Auxillary Lieutenant (1965)
Murray, Maurice R. - Sergeant (1975)
Myers, Carl J. - Motorcycle Officer (1958)
Myers, Joseph E. - Chief of Detectives (1933)
Myrann, Albert N. - Detective (1977)
Myrick, Earl D. Sr. - Sergeant (1955)
Myrick, Earl D. Jr.  - Motorcycle Officer (1974)
Myrick, Frank - Patrolman (1944)
Neely, Michael D. – Sergeant (1951)
Neely, William T. – Chief of Police (1945)
Nelson, Ernest A.L.– Sergeant (1964)
Nelson, Olga A. – Policewoman (1965)
Newby, Donald C. - Detective (1978)
Newsom, Robert P. - Chief of Police (1936)
Nickel, Fred E. - Patrolman (1969)
Nobel, Richard G. - Patrolman (1968)
Norris, Sidney J. - Officer (1976) 
Northern, Frank W. – Sergeant (1941)   
Nuestaedter, Ilene B. - Matron (1975)
O’Connor, William H. – Detective Sergeant (1945) 
Oder, C.E. - Patrolman (1936)
O'Donnell, Walter A. - Lieutenant (1968)
O’Haver, Walter L.P. – Patrolman (1968)
O'Rourke, Thomas B. - Deputy City Marshal (1888)
Ohlsen, Delbert L. - Patrolman (1973)
Oliver, J. Russell (Sr.) – Lieutenant (1969)
Olson, Stanley V. - Garageman (1972)
Ormsby, Russell L. - Sergeant (1979)
Orrell, James – Sergeant (1971)
Osborne, Eldridge T. – Sergeant (1942)
Otensen, Michael - Patrolman (1947)
Oviatt, F. Patrick – Patrolman (1947)
Padgett, Charles A. - Inspector (1948
Palmatier, Lorne J. - Patrolman (1943)
Parr, Donald E. - Patrolman (1976)
Parrott, Clare M. - Chief Telephone Operator (1960)
Parrott, Fredrick H. – Captain (1949)
Parrott, Ralph R. - Reserve Officer (1968)
Patrick, James A. – Chief of Police (1960)
Penhaligon, Winifred L. - Clerk (1952)
Penrod, James A. - Patrolman (1942)
Perkins, R.L. - Reserve Officer (1977)
Perry, Emil F. - Reserve Officer (1971)
Pershing, Orton L. - Patrolman (1958)
Peters, Francisco R. - Patrolman (1919)
Peterson, Clarence E. – Patrolman (1970)
Peterson, Clifford – Chief of Police (1957)
Peterson, Edward A. - Patrolman (1980)
Peterson, John T. – Chief of Police (1947)
Peterson, Wilford D. – Motorcycle Officer (1958)
Phillips, William C. - Motorcycle Officer (1945)
Pickering, Claude L. – Patrolman (1965)
Pierce, George L. - Patrolman (1958)
Pierson, Clarence W. - Sergeant (1944)
Pinkerton, Harold E. - Sergeant (1977)
Pitt, Herman F. – Patrolman (1942) 
Pitt, Paul N. - Patrolman (1936)
Plaisted, Paul – Patrolman (1932)   
Pontecorvo, Jose - Patrolman (1975)
Poulson, Tenney - Patrolman (1980)
Powell, Charles M. - Patrolman (1932)
Powers, Robert L. - Motorcycle Officer (1927)   
Priest, Beverly B. - Stenograper (1968)
Pringle, George H. – Sergeant (1943)
Pringle, William H. – Chief of Police (1910)
Proctor, Clayton L. - Sergeant (1978)
Quick, Burton R. - Patrolman (1976)
Quimby, Ralph H. - Patrolman (1952)
Radlbeck, Mervin C. – Motorcycle Sergeant (1957)
Ramirez, Ponciano Jr. – Patrolman (1967)
Randall, Dorothy F. - Juvenile Investigator (1970)
Rankin, Lenore - Operator (1944)
Rapp, Francis W. - Sergeant (1982)
Ratcliff, Hurley B. - Patrolman (1946)
Raymond, Harry J. - Chief of Police (1957)
Reama, Harold L. – Detective Sergeant (1962)
Rease, Brisco - Special Policeman (1934)
Rease, Minnie - Special Policewoman (1919)
Reif, Eugene P. - Sergeant (1966)
Reisz, Andrew J. – Patrolman (1946)
Remmington, Thomas E. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1977)
Reson, Kennith E. - Detective Sergeant (1976)
Reynolds, Henry M. - Detective (1972)
Reynolds, William M. - Patrolman (1972)
Rice, A.F. - Deputy City Marshal (1902)
Rice, Donald D. - Sergeant (1970)
Riddle, Harry - Chauffeur (1970)
Riggs, Cecil L. - Patrolman (1973) 
Roark, Lester J. - Janitor (1959)
Robbins, Seigford Y. – Patrolman (1966)
Robinson, Jule Lee - Sergeant (1974)
Robertson, Alexander F. - Patrolman (1948)
Rochefort, Hugh B. - Detective Sergeant (1978)
Rodefer, A.R. – Detective (1934)
Roff, Clarence V. - Reserve Officer (1977)
Ross, Frederick L. – Patrolman (1968)
Rowe, Alvin G. - Special Police Officer (1947)
Rowe, Howard C. - Sergeant (1974)
Royer, Charles L. - Accountant (1963)
Russell, James – Chief of Police (1939)
Ryan, Bertram R. - Police Lifeguard (1974)
Salmon, Frank - Reserve Officer (1978)
Samuels, Harold - Reserve Officer (1978)
Samuels, Martin A. – Patrolman (1952)
Schnepp, Alfred D. – Mounted Officer (1964)
Schnug, Louis C. - Inspector (1980)
Schrader, Calvin - Animal Regulation Officer (1976)
Schuermeyer, William F. - Police Judge
Schultz, Benjamin F. – Patrolman (1926)
Schultz, John W. – Patrolman (1928)
Scott, Clifford W. - Patrolman (1977)
Scott, Harry - Chief of Police (1942)
Sears, George M. - Chief (1974)
Seibert, Thad H. - Captain (1983)
Seifert, Frank W. - Chauffer (1977)
Setser, Robert R. - Patrolman (1949)
Severtsen, Herman W. "Dutch" - Motorcycle Officer (1948)
Shaw, Frank A.T. - Deputy City Marshal (1921)
Shea, Maurice "Mike" - Detective Sergeant (1968)
Shehon, John – Superintendant (1913)
Shepherd, Harvey K. - Lieutenant (1956)
Shirkey, Alexander - Patrolman 1966
Sickles, David E. Sr. - Patrolman (1952)
Simmons, Olen C. – Patrolman (1948)
Skelton, Alexander W. - Traffic Clerk (1963)
Slattery, Patrick J. – Detective Lieutenant (1940)
Slattery, Roy E. - Patrolman (1979)
Smith, George H. – Patrolman (1953)
Smith, George H. – Police Chauffer (1957)
Smith, Malcolm H. - Patrolman (1970)
Smith, Manuel – Patrolman (1947)
Smouse, Earl H. - Detective (1918)
Snow,  Nicholas H. - Police Lifeguard 1968
Sorensen, M.S. - Patrolman (1918)
Southwell, William J. - Detective (1965)
Sprauge, Karl D. – Captain (1953)
Spurlock, Gene - Detective (1979)
Squire, Benjamin L. – Patrolman (1963)
Stearns, Cyrus E. - Patrolman (1969)
Steer, Joseph E.  – Chief of Police (1948)
Stenhouse, WIlliam D. - Patrolman (1974)
Stephenson, Ernest R.  – Patrolman (1940)
Stevens, Henry C. - Detective Sergeant (1949)
Stewart, Harry B.  – Sergeant (1922)
Strahlman, Louis - Chief Police Surgeon (1952)
Stromquist, William A. - Patrolman (1930)
Strong, Ralph S.  – Mounted Officer (1961)
Svoboda, Frank C. - Police Surgeon (1966)
Swain, Charles - Special Officer (1934)
Symmes, Lewis M.  - Mounted Officer (1946)
Syphert, Earl F. – Patrolman (1948) 
Tarver, Richard J. - Motorcycle Officer (1977)
Taylor, Harry E. – Patrolman (1944)
Taylor, Jimmy - ID Technician (1984)
Taylor, Nellie B. - Policewoman (1962)
Thames, Clinton C. - Mounted Patrolman (1930)
Thamsen, Henry F. - Reserve Patrolman (1966)
Themer, Frank O. – Police Chauffer (1959)
Thien, William P. – Deputy Chief (1966)
Thoma, Harold R. - Patrolman (1975)
Thomas, Albert A. – Chief of Police (1921)
Thompson, Vernon "Tommy" – Police Dispatcher (1962)
Thompson, William M. - Jail Cook (1974)`
Thorpe, Bert R. - Detective (1957)
Timmons, Thomas J. - Property Clerk (1960)
Todd, James T. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1980)
Tofflemire, Charles J. – Patrolman (1966)
Tonniges, Martin - Assistant Range Master (1962)
Townsend, Reginald S. – Detective (1947)
Travis, Henry – Motorcycle Officer (1947)
Treleaven, Glenn W. - Lieutenant (1975)
Turner, Carl A. "Corky" - Patrolman (1976)
Turner, Edward F. - Patrolman (1974)
Turner, Thomas M. - City Marshal (1894)
Vandenberg, Peter H. "Harry" - Chief of Detectives (1945)
Van Der Heyden, Richard - Patrolman (1972)
Veall, Mae Bell - Policewoman (1980)
Veasman, Norman V. - Patrolman (1975)
Vorhies, William E. - Dispatcher (1984)
Waid, Raleigh L. - Patrolman (1964)
Walker, Guy W. - Captain (1982)
Walker, Roderick C. - Patrolman (1979)
Walters, Lewis D. - Patrolman (1969)
Wantuch, Walter J. - Reserve Police Officer (1978)
Ward, Wyman E.– Sergeant (1954)
Ware, Ralph F. "Fred" – Motorcycle Officer (1940)
Warner, Robert E. - Motorcycle Officer (1974)
Warner, William E. "Elmer" – Deputy Chief (1957)
Warner, William I. - Patrolman (1915)
Watson, Walter P. – Patrolman (1938)
Watt, Perry M. – Motorcycle Officer (1971)
Wayman, Gary E. - Patrolman (1976)
Weaver, George L. - Patrolman (1970)
Webster, Herbert T. – Patrolman (1951)
Weekley, Walter W. - Patrolman (1993)
Weimer, Donald F. - Patrolman (1973)
Wells, Benjamin F. – Lieutenant (1965)
Wells, Thomas H. - Reserve Patrolman (1975)
West, Carroll O. - Chief Mechanic (1978)
Westerdahl, Fred L.  –Detective (1969)
Weston, Howard B. – Captain (1970)
Wetherbee, William H. – Lieutenant (1930)
Weymouth, Walter A. - Detective (1947)
Whalen, Richard I. - Deputy City Marshal (1925)
Whitney, Ralph E. - Patrolman (1973)
Wilhoit, John W. - Police Surgeon (1961)
Williamson, Dwight L. - Patrolman (1972)
Williksen, William O. - Patrolman (1979) 
Wilsford, Roy – Patrolman (1942)
Wisler, Frank A. - Patrolman (1955)
Wilson, George – Patrolman (1950)
Wilson, Jefferson K. "Keno"  – Chief of Police (1934)
Wilson, Lena Del - Matron (1969)
Wilson, W.L. "Tex" – Detective (1967)
Winter, Roberta W. - Policewoman (1954)
Wise, Anna A.  – Police Matron (1933)
Wisler, Frank A. – Patrolman (1955)
Wolfe, Frank M. - Lieutenant (1975)
Wonder, Elizabeth K. - Clerk (1979)
Wood, Gertrude M. – Matron (1962)
Woodward, Herbert R. – Patrolman (1962)
Worthen, Harold L. – Patrolman (1941)
Woudstra, Henry - Patrolman (1978)
Wright, Billy G. - Patrolman (1959)
Wright, Harry G. – Patrolman (1953)
Wright, Rena J. - Policewoman (1958)
Wysinger, James A. - Patrolman (1972)
Yakovich, Mike M. - Patrolman (1964)
Yoggerst, William - Patrolman (1973)
Young, Alexander M. – City Marshal (1898)
Younker, George B. Jr. - Patrolman (1966)
Zimmerman, Marshall R. – Sergeant (1951)

Abbey, Edward  E. "Kirk" - Administrative Aide (2001)
Abrenilla, Fruta C. - Stenographer (2002)
Abulencia, Marc - Police Officer (1994)
Addington, Martin G. - Patrolman (2005)
Akin, Robert M. - Reserve Officer (1997)
Akins, Dorothy G. - Senior Clerk (1981)
Aldrich, Alan M. - Patrolman (1992)
Allen, Wesley F. - Captain (1997)
Allen, William A. - Patrolman (1989)
Allen, William R. - Patrolman (1981)
Allen, Willie l. - Detective (1988)
Alley, Richard D. - Sergeant (1988)
Allin, Jerry L. - Sr. Clerk (1990)
Allsbrook, David N. - Sergeant (1994)
Altheimer, Maurice A. - Police Lifeguard (2000)
Anderson, Gerald C. - Patrolman (2005)
Anderson, Lloyd F. - Detective (2004)
Anderson, Loren E. - Reserve Officer (2002)
Andrews, Waldo G. - Patrolman (1996)
Appel, Joseph M.  - Police Officer (1998)
Armitage, Gilbert R. - Patrolman (1983)
Arnold, Lewis Q. - Patrolman (1991)
Arnold, William L. - Patrolman (1982)
Ashcraft, Frank H.  - Sergeant (2000)
Asker, Alan - Patrolman (2002)
Augustine, Robert L. - Lieutenant (1986)
Avery, Gary - Latent Print Supervisor (2005)
Avery, Ronald P. - Police Officer (1997)
Baere, Herbert  L. - Sergeant (1989)
Bailey, Elbert L. - Detective (2004)
Baker, Orville W. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1992)
Baker, Jack W. - Lieutenant (2004)
Baker, Steven G. - Detective (1998)
Bakewell, Wesley B. - Reserve Officer (2001)
Barbarick, George B. - Police Lifeguard (2005)
Barber, George E. - Police Officer (1983)
Barker, Carleton C. - Reserve Officer (1994)
Barlow, Leland R. - Reserve Officer (2005)
Barnes, Esther A. - Clerk (1997)
Barnes, Phillip I. - Patrolman (1984)
Barnson, Odell L. - Traffic Clerk (1989)
Bartlett, Stanley A. - Reserve Officer (1983)
Bauer, Max - Patrolman (1983)
Bassett, Arland R. - Sergeant (2005)
Batts, Carl E. - Patrolman (2005)
Beals, Donald H. - Motorcycle Officer (2002)
Beebe, Carr - Reserve Officer (1989)
Beezy, Bruce R. - Patrolman (1990)
Bellis, Ruben A. - Patrolman (1986)
Bennett, Alvin L. - Sergeant (1993)
Bennett, Cornell M. - Detective (1999)
Bennett, Terry W. - Police Officer (2003)
Benton, Alfred J. - Patrolman (2002)
Berneathy, Patti L. (Parga) - Police Officer (2003)
Berner, Kurt F. - Patrolman (2002)
Berry, John L. - Patrolman (1982)
Bertsch, Bernard J. - Patrolman (1998)
Billick, Mary E. - Stenographer (2003)
Bills, Gaal R. "G.R." - Patrolman (1995)
Blakeslee, Garth M. - Senior Clerk/Typist (1993)
Blutcher, Donald K. "Ken" - Assistant Chief (2001)
Boldrick, Ernest H. Jr. - Photographer (2003)
Bolger, Simon F. - Motorcycle Officer (2005)
Bond, William K. - Lieutenant (2005)
Bordine, Jaime "Jim" - Detective (1997)
Bouno, Victor F. - Detective Lieutenant (1981)
Bourdette, Robert N. - Patrolman (1999)
Bowden, Joel E. - Garageman (2005)
Bowes, Thomas D. Sr. "Bud"- Sergeant (2004)
Bowman, Jack E. - Motorcycle Officer (1997)
Bradley, William P. - Police Officer (1985)
Brackett, Robert F. Sr. - Motorcycle Officer (2002)
Brittin, Mildred B. - Senior Clerk/Typist (1987)
Brock, Kenneth -Patrolman (1996)
Brutschy, Hildur E. - Typist (1998)
Bryant, Perry R. - Detective (1998)
Bulger, Richard S. - Reserve Inspector (1982)
Burns, Calvin H. Sr. - Police Lifeguard (1988)
Burstein, Steven M. - Police Officer (1999)
Cade, John W. - Patrolman (2005)
Caetano, Alvaro J. - Motorcycle Officer (2004)
Caldwell, Willis A. - Patrolman (1998)
Cain, Lawrence E. - Reserve Lieutenant (1984)
Campbell, William B. - Lieutenant (1989)
Camren, Rollie L. Sr. - Patrolman (1994)
Canale, Jesse C. - Patrolman (1992)
Cardenez, Jake M. - Reserve Lieutenant (1986)
Carney, James - Police Officer (1983)
Carpenter, Edward E.- Motorcycle Officer (1981)
Carr, Ira J. - Sergeant (1997)
Carter, Harley J. - Patrolman (1991)
Castanien, Pliny R. - Department Historian (1994)
Castellini, Anthony D.  - Detective (1998)
Champion, Peter A. - Police Officer (2001)
Chapman, Donald M. - Detective (2002)
Charlebois, Jesse D. - Police Officer (2003)
Charman, Charlotte "Peggy" - Policewoman (1996)
Charman, Howard R. Jr. - Captain (2000)
Childress, Beulah F.  - Policewoman (1999)
Christian, Mervin R. - Detective (2005)
Chu, Benjamin K.H. - Sergeant (1992)
Churchman, George W. - Detective Lieutenant (1984)
Clark, Walter P. - Captain (1982)
Clemmons,  Roy K. - Assistant Range Master (1994)
Cleveland, Forrest J. - Patrolman (2002)
Clunn, Harry A. - Patrolman (1997)
Coffer, Elanor A. - Telephone Operator (1997)
Colburn, Wayne B. - Inspector (1983)
Collis, George O. - Motorcycle Officer (1998)
Collins, Clifford J. - Detective (2001)
Conkin, Cecil J. - Patrolman (1994)
Conn, Irving R. - Patrolman (1999)
Connolly, Christopher - Police Officer (1995)
Cope, Michael A. - Police Officer (1983)
Cordes, Gerhard A. - Patrolman (1987)
Costa, Joseph J. - Lieutenant (2002)
Cota, Albert M. - Patrolman (2005)
Craddock, Franklin D. - Officer/CSO (1998)
Crawford, Thomas A. - Sergeant (1981)
Crosby, Harold F. - Reserve Sergeant (2000)
Crosby, Robert B. - Lieutenant (2005)
Crowther, Frederic - Lifeguard/Patrolman (1985)
Culbertson, Alton D. - Patrolman (1987)
Cunninghman, Gordon J. - Reserve Patrolman (1985)
Daily, Dorothy E. - Key Punch Operator (2003)
Dalrymple, James L. - Patrolman (1998)
Danforth, Everett V. - Patrolman (1988)
Davis, Carl O. - Detective Sergeant (1986)
Davis, Jasper A. Patrolman (1994)
Davis, Louis P. - Mechanic (1994)
Davis, Ronald W. - Police Officer (1991)
Davison (Keating), Colleen F. - Reserve Officer (1991)
DeJuhasz, Peter K. - Patrolman (1986)
DeLara, Jose Sr. - Jail Cook (1997)
Delos, Timothy D. - Police Officer (2003)
Denz, Arthur L. Sr. - Patrolman (1981)
Derbonne, William E. - Patrolman (1999)
Devine, Thomas H. - Patrolman (1994)
Devore, Lloyd L. - Inspector (2005)
Devries, Bradley L. - Sergeant (1996)
Dickason, Charles E. - Patrolman (1996)
Dieckmann, Edward Jr. - Patrolman (1994)
Disney, Richard D. - Sergeant (1999)
Dobner, Allen L. Jr. - Patrolman (1988)
Donahue, Rupert D. "Jack" - Patrolman (2002)
Donnelly, Marilyn R. - Policewoman (1987)
Donnelly, Thomas - Patrolman (1984)
Dowling, Robert J.- Lieutenant (1989)
Drake, Lee C. - Mechanic (1985)
Dramer, Daniel L. - Sergeant (2003)
Driscoll, Harlan - Police Lifeguard (1999)
Dufford, Leland L. - Patrolman (1982)
Duffy, Michael F. - Detective (2005)
Dunbar, Gale L. - Motorcycle Officer (2004)
Duncan, Lloyd L. - Sergeant (1998)
Durso, Matthew J. - Patrolman (2002)
Dytrich, Frank - Reserve Deputy Chief (1989)
Easton, Orlando W. - Police Mechanic (1998)
Ebeltoft, Ronald R. - Police Officer (1981)
Edwards, Lyle E. - Detective (1996)
Echavarria, Frank G. - Reserve Patrolman (1983)
Eckert, Richard L. - Patrolman (2004)
Eldridge, Barry M. - Detective (2003)
Eldridge, Jack - Patrolman (1989)
Elmore, Rexford J. - Patrolman (1992)
English, Leland S. - Patrolman (2002)
English, Ralph V. - Patrolman (2000)
Enos, Clifford H. - Sergeant (1993)
Erb, William - Sergeant (1994)
Ericson, Carl E. - Detective (1991)
Erzinger, Eugene V. - Police Lifeguard (1997)
Estergren, Vane M. - Patrolman (1998)
Ettridge, Wesley D. - Patrolman (2000)
Evans, Robert F. Jr. - Sergeant (2003)
Fargel, Richard P. - Patrolman (1996)
Farmer, Frank R. - Patrolman (2002)
Finley, James E. - Police Agent (1993)
Fink, Leslie C. Jr. - Patrolman (2007)
Fitzgerald, Thomas F. - Patrolman (2000)
Flaherty, Thomas J. - Patrolman (1992)
Fleetwood, Donald F. - Patrolman (2004)
Fleming, Joseph P. "Pat" - Reserve Officer (1993)
Forrest, James L. - Patrolman (1996)
Frank, John C. III - Patrolman (1994)
French, Hugh B. - Captain (1999)
Gaerin, David R. - Patrolman (2000)
Gallagher, Alvara E. - Telephone Operator (1997)
Garcia, Gilbert - Sergeant (1991)
Gardella, Stephan L. Jr. - Polygraph Examiner (1998)
Gast, Thomas - Detective (2005)
Galasso, James A. - Patrolman (1984)
Garcia, Leroy - Police Officer (1993)
Garcia, Gilbert - Sergeant (1991)
Garey, Loren P. - Sergeant (1993)
Gaylord, Lawrence B. - Patrolman (1987)
Gaytan, Albert S. - Sergeant (1994)
Gee, Douglas A. - Patrolman (1986)
Geer, Morton L. - Detective Lieutenant (1982)
Getzwiller, James B. - Patrolman (1996)
Gibbs, Harlan I. - Sergeant (1995)
Giles, Russell S. - Patrolman (1988)
Glasco, Russell G. Jr. - Police Officer (1998)
Glass, Merlin T. - Patrolman (1989)
Glick, Charles O. - Patrolman (1981)
Goerge, Harold - Reserve Sergeant (2005)
Gojkvich, Alexander - Police Officer (1984)
Goldy, Howard  L. - Detective (1999)
Goodwin, Wendell L. - Patrolman (1983)
Gore, Wilbur E. - Detective (1982)
Gore, William D. - Deputy Chief (1993)
Grady, Roger A. - Police Lifeguard/Patrolman (2004)
Graham, Alexander - Police Lifeguard (1990)
Grandstedt, Rory K. - Dispatch Clerk (2002)
Grayson, Joseph F. - Motorcycle Officer (1995)
Griffin, Gerald K. - Police Officer (2003)
Griffin, Larry L. - Detective (2004)
Griffing, Raymond W. - Patrolman (1993)
Groeger, Richard F. - Reserve Lieutenant (1997)
Guerin, Alfred H. - Sergeant (1997)
Guthrie, Lyle D. - Inspector (2000)
Gutridge, Ferdinand H.- Patrolman  (1990)
Gutridge, Rowena G. - Matron (1987)
Hagg, Alice D. - Police Matron (2002)
Hagler, Wilbur H. - Patrolman (1996)
Hake, Richard F. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1990)
Hall, James N. - Lieutenant (2001)
Halsey, Dave R. - Detective (1987)
Handley, August E. - Reserve Officer (2003)
Hansen, Stanley - Sergeant (1999)
Hanson, Robert L. - Motorcycle Officer (1997)
Ham, Mason - Sergeant (1995)
Hammon, George W. - Detective (1993)
Hare, Glenn "Bud" - Patrolman (1999)
Harper, Cecil - ID Technician (1983)
Harper, Walter L. - Police Lifeguard (1993)
Harrell, James H. - Lieutenant (2000)
Harrison, Bernard B. - Patrolman (1981)
Harshman, Melvin E. - Sergeant (1986)
Hartless, Jerry L. - Police Officer (1988)
Hartson, Paul E. - Motorcycle Officer (2005)
Hawley, Arthur H. - Sergeant (1987)
Hayes, Paul J. Jr. - Sergeant (1995)
Hearst, Carl J. - Sergeant (1987)
Heatherington, Harry P. - Sergeant (1998)
Heitman, John T. - Patrolman (1998)
Heldt, Wayne E. - Patrolman (2004)
Helmick, Jay D. - Lieutenant (2005)
Henderson, Nathan S. - Confidential Secretary (1997)
Hendrickson, William T. - Patrolman (1988)
Hendrickson, Ynez F. - Sr. Account Clerk
Heritage, William J. - Sergeant (1996)
Hildreth, Donald E. - Detective (2003)
Hogan, Martin V. - Patrolman (1999)
Holcomb, Herbert A. - Radio Operator (1995)
Holmerud, Harold - Sergeant (1990)
Holway, Howard C. - Detective (1984)
Hom, John - Detective (1996)
Hoobler, Raymond L. - Chief (2001)
Hoops, Arthur - Detective (1991)
Hubbard, Warren K.  - SETC Supervisor (2003)
Hughen, Charles - Detective Lieutenant (1990)
Hulden, Leroy S. - Motorcycle Officer (1981)
Humdy, Clyde - Patrolman (1992)
Humphrey, Harry E. - Detective (1986)
Hylla, Sylvester - Motorcycle Officer (2004)
Imbimbo, Louis R. Jr. - Police Officer (2000)
Imlay, Roby W.C. - Patrolman (2004)
Inabinet, Samuel - Clerk (1988)
Isbell, Helen W. - Stenographer (1986)
Jabben, Allen - Patrolman (1997)
Jacobson, Robert G. - Confidential Secretary (1987)
Jansen, Richard J. - Sergeant (1993)
Jedlica, George - Police Officer (2000) 
Jensen, Wayne J. - Sergeant (1995)
Jillard, William H. - Reserve Sergeant (1988)
Johns - Bauer, Emma F. - Operator (1984)
Johnson, James O. - Patrolman (2004)
Johnson, John A. - Patrolman (2001)
Johnson, Kirk L. - Police Officer (1983)
Johnson, Winfield H. - Patrolman (2003)
Jones, Barney L. - Sergeant (2000)
Jones, Orson P. - Lieutenant (1998)
Jost, Louis J. - Senior Mechanic (1986)
Kabrel, Charles W. - Police Officer (1999)
Karrow, Robert J. - Lieutenant (2001)
Kauffman, Angie - Matron (1985)
Keays, Dolores - Matron (1985)
Kelley, George W. - Sergeant (1986)
Kelly, David G. - Sergeant (2003)
Kelso, Ruth - Clerk (1983)
Kemp, Harry E. Sr. - Sergeant (1983)
Kemp, Thomas R. Jr. - Patrolman (1982)
Kenlin, George B. - Reserve Officer (1989)
Kennedy, Leslie J. - Sergeant (1990)
Kennerly, Willie E. - Sergeant (1983)
Kenney, Edward W. - Sergeant (1997)
Keyes, Walter G. - Sergeant (1998)
Keyser, Peter B. - Motorcycle Officer (1986)
Kilpatrick, Robert G. - Sergeant (1995)
Kinzie, Richard L. - Patrolman (2002)
Kinzie, Robert K. - Detective (1999)
Kirkendall, Robert - Police Officer (1997)
Knosalla, Donald T. - Mechanic (2004)
Kokesh, Hilda G. - Matron (2002)
Kokesh, Joseph - Patrolman (2002)
Kowal, Jon A. - Police Lifeguard (2003)
Kroger, Raymond M. - Identification Technician (1983)
Krohn, Arthur A. - Patrolman (1995)
Kruk, David H. - Sergeant (1990)
Kullman, Russell W. - Patrolman (2002)
Kurzenski, Stephen P. - Equipment Supervisor (2001)
Lacangan, Diego C. - Police Officer (1994)
Ladd, Dennison R. - Sergeant (2004)
Ladd, Oliver M. - Patrolman (1990)
La Faver, Louis - Patrolman (1986)
Lafoon, James R. - Captain (1987)
LaMotte, Darrell A. - Captain (1984)
Lau, Gordon - Police Officer (2005)
Laughlin, Lawrence D. - Clerk (1990)
Lawson, Alfred H. Jr. "Doc" - (2005)
Lay, Harry C. Jr. - Patrolman (2003)
Leavitt, Lawrence E. - Patrolman (1989)
Lebus, Glenn A. - Detective Sergeant (1985)
Lee, Perry W. - Patrolman (1986)
Lehman, William A. - Motorcycle Officer (1999)
Lewis, John R. - Lieutenant (1984)
Lindsey, Harold V. - Patrolman (1995)
Lindstrom, Robert W. - Lieutenant (2001)
Lipe, J.T. - Police Surgeon (1990)
Lips, Ralph - Patrolman (1999)
Little, Carol - Police Officer (2003)
Loman, Sidney - Reserve Patrolman (1981)
Long, John D. - Patrolman (2002)
Lord, Leslie K. - Captain (1998)
Lovell, Frank A. - Patrolman (2001)
Lowrey, Lloyd T. - Traffic Clerk (1989)
Ludvigtson, Merlin "Bud" - Patrolman (1981)
Luhr, William W. - Patrolman (1996)
Lundy, Richard W. - Detective (2004)
Lutz, Francis F. - Sergeant (1990)
Macy, Wayne E. - Patrolman (1984)
Mahnke, Douglas L. - Detective (1996)
Maine, Kenneth - Police Officer (1982)
Manchester, Robert G. - Detective Sergeant (1995)
Mark, Merle O. - Patrolman (1998)
Markland, Frederick J. - Reserve Officer (2000)
Martin, Jerry - Patrolman (2003)
Mathena, Carlyse W. "Wayne" - Detective (1994)
Mauzy, Donna P. - Police Officer (2001)
Maxe, Paul D. - Patrolman (1994)
McCain, Donnie M. - Detective (1988)
McCaw, Elbert W. - Patrolman (1988)
McCaw, Lawrence E. - Poundmaster (2001)
McClaren, Arthur R. - Captain (1989)
McDaniel, Harry L. - Patrolman (2003)
McDaniel, Steven B. - Patrolman (1984)
McDonald, Robert C. - Police Officer (2005)
McElroy, Joseph C. - Patrolman (1983)
McGown, Johnny L. - Police Officer (1995)
McLaren, Arthur R. - Captain (1989)
McNeese, Lawrence A. - Sergeant (1990)
McQueeny, John A. - Lieutenant (1991)
McVay, Hollie - Clerical Assistant (2001)
Medina, Eduardo T. - Detective (2004)
Medrano, Joseph - Patrolman (1999)
Melsbach, Frank L. Jr. - Patrolman (1988)
Mervynne, Robert D. - Reserve Officer (1984)
Meyers, Merle L. - Sergeant (2000)
Michelcich, John A. - Patrolman (1992)
Michels, Violet - Policewoman (1985)
Miley, Elmer J. - Patrolman (1991)
Miller, Walter H. - Patrolman (1985)
Milner, Marion P. - Patrolman (1993)
Missler, Harry - Motorcycle Officer (2005)
Mitchell, George P. - Lieutenant (1999)
Moeller, Klaus J. - Patrolman (2005)
Molinare, Harry T. - Reserve Sergeant (2000)
Moore, George R. - Patrolman (1991)
Morbello, Samuel C. - Patrolman (2005)
Morgan, Robert D. - Sergeant (1994)
Morlan, Leonard C. - Detective (1997)
Morris, Jack M. - Motorcycle Officer (1988)
Morrison, Warren J. - Assistant Chief (2004)
Mueller, Will Jr. - Sergeant (1995)
Munden, Harold R. - Patrolman (1985)
Murphy, Merlin w. - Detective (1989)
Musser, Victor E. - Police Lifeguard (1983)
Myers, Clarence W. - Detective Lieutenant (2003)
Myrann, Albert - Detective (1994)
Nali, Robert - Police Officer (1995)
Neilsen, Edward C. - Administrative Assistant (1994)
Nelius, Arnold F. - Patrolman (1981)
Nelson, Philip N. - Reserve Patrolman (1989)
Nettles, Henry W. "Wayne" - Motorcycle Officer (1988)
Nettles, William - Motorcycle Officer (1999)
Nevedomsky, Stanley C. - Captain (2002)
Nicholson, William E. - Lieutenant (1999)
Nickolich, James - Reserve Patrolman (1990)
Nolan, Patricia A. - Dispatch Supervisor (1992)
Nolen, Lawrence M - Reserve Lieutenant (1999)
Oberle, Gordon J. - Captain (1996)
O'Connor, J. Robert - Sergeant (1984)
O'Dell (Foucht) Robert - Patrolman (2001)
Odom, Clifford T. - Sergeant (2006)
Odom, George E. - Detective (1987)
Offill, Donald E. - Detective (2004)
O'Hara, William J. - Police Officer (1996)
O'Neal, Wilfred J. "Irish" - Motorcycle Officer (1990)
O'Rourke, Daniel J. - Patrolman (1997)
Orr, George E. - Sergeant (1993)
Palko, George Jr. - Patrolman (1992)
Palm, William A. - Sergeant (1994)
Parliament, Clyde L. - Patrolman (1991)
Parton, James A. - Patrolman (2005)
Paton, Reginald G. - Patrolman (2001)
Peacock, Leonard W. - Patrolman (1990)
Peacock, Margaret E. - Matron (1988)
Pear, Louise K. - Stenographer
Pease, Carrel - Patrolman (1998)
Pease, George M. - Patrolman (1993)
Pease, Rodney S. - Range Master (2001)
Peevey, Joe G. Jr. - Reserve Officer (1994)
Pendry, Lloyd B. - Patrolman (1983)
Penwarden, Gordon T. - Police Lifeguard (2003)
Perkins, Harold L. - Reserve Sergeant (1985)
Perkins, Sutherland - Patrolman (1993)
Persing, Charles B. - Patrolman (2003)
Petrick, Teree Michelle - Detective (1992)
Phillips, Walter C. - Sergeant (1983)
Pince, William F. - Police Lifeguard (2004)
Piotrowski, Edward - Poundman (1986)
Pitcher, Leroy D. - Motorcycle Officer (2003)
Pitman, John H. - Mechanic (1986)
Pohl, Bruce E. - Motorcycle Officer - (2001)
Pointer (Deardorf), Vallery A. - Police Officer (2000)
Poitras, Lucien J. - Clerk (1996)
Pollock, Frederick W. - Patrolman (1987)
Porter, Charles W. - Sergeant (1989)
Porter, Livingston E. Jr. - Clerk (1994)
Pressing, Ralph B. - Patrolman (1979)
Priseler, Lee F. - Patrolman (1994)
Province, Patricia - Property & Evidence Clerk (1994)
Quigley, Robert C. - Detective (1989)
Quigley, Rodney B. - Sergeant (2001)
Raper, Lowell B. - Sergeant (2001)
Rasimas, Albin V. - Sergeant (2000)
Rathburn, Marlow C. - Patrolman (1996)
Rausch, George L. - Patrolman (1999)
Raybould, Louis C. - Dispatcher (1992)
Rearick, Jack - Reserve Officer (1986)
Reid, Ty S. - Sergeant (1994)
Reichenbach, Oscar W. - Serviceman (1999)
Reierson, Donald E. - Assistant Chief (2004)
Reierson, Reier S. "Stanley" - Patrolman (1998)
Reiland, Maurine J. - Stenographer (1996)
Renner, ClarenceS. - Motorcycle Officer (1986)
Reppe, John R. III - Police Officer (1996)
Reyes, Maria - Documents Input Clerk (2003)
Rhodes, Edward - Criminalist III (1995)
Reichenbach, Oscar W. - Serviceman (1999)
Riggs, Thomas E. - Police Agent (1985)
Rintala, Martin - Kennelman (2002)
Rippberger, Richard C. - Patrolman (2003)
Ritchie, Robert A. - Detective (1986)
Riveroll, Ronald - Sergeant (1994)
Ristau, Robert E. - Sergeant (1987)
Ritchey, William "Bert" - Detective Sergeant (1995)
Ritchie, Robert  A. - Detective (1986)
Ritter, Carl W. - Motorcycle Officer (1986)
Roberts, Garrett L. - Police Officer (1994)
Roberts, Harry L. - Patrolman (1989)
Roberts, James A. - Patrolman (1994)
Rock, Rupert S. - Police Lifeguard (2000)
Roed, Olif J. "O.J." - Chief of Police (1994)
Roehmholdt, E. William - Patrolman (1997)
Roland, Graham P. - Chief of Detectives (1992)
Rohde, Warren F. - Patrolman (1992)
Royal, Burke H. - Police Lifeguard (1997)
Ruby, James F. - Patrolman (2000)
Rucker, Charles D. - Patrolman (2003)
Ruden, Allen P. - Patrolman (1985)
Ruocco, Ralph T. - Motorcycle Officer (2000)
Ruopp, Timothy J. - Police Officer (1984)
Rumsey, William J. - Police Lifeguard (1997)
Runnells, Dayton E. - Patrolman (1989)
Sacher, George E. - Motorcycle Sergeant (1983)
Salle, William R. - Lieuteant (1999)
Santi, Steven M. - Sergeant (1994)
Sarver, Harry A. - Patrolman (1991)
Satfig, Ernest C. - Motorcycle Officer (1996)
Sawchick, Paul - Patrolman (1992)
Schatzinger, Richard W. - Reserve Officer (1999)
Schenk, William J. - Inspector (1991)
Schnepp, Louis A. - Patrolman (1986)
Schreck, Charles E. - Sergeant (1995)
Schirtzinger, Margaret O. - Clerk (1988)
Schroeder, Michael D. - Police Officer (1989)
Schoonover, Ralph - Sergeant (1992)
Scott, Orville L. - Patrolman (1996)
Scott, Walter R.  - Lieutenant (1987)
Seals, James - Mechanic (2002)
Seckner, Martha A. - Telephone Operator
Seebold, Robert G. - Motorcycle Officer (1982)
Senn, David C. - Patrolman (1998)
Sharp, Wesley S. - Chief of Police (1991)
Shea, Paul - Sergeant (1985)
Sherlock, Alan R. - Clerk (1988)
Sherwood, Paul C. - Sergeant (1990)
Shewbert, William J. Jr. - Patrolman (2002)
Short, LeRoy M. - Patrolman (1996)
Shorts, Olive A. - Telephone Operator (1983)
Shurlock, Alan R. - Patrolman (1988)
Sickles, David E. Jr. - Police Officer (1992)
Simmons, Richard A. - Sergeant (1996)
Simpson, George A. - Stenographer (1995)
Simms, Joseph Jr. - Police Officer (2000)
Skrak, Richard E. - Sergeant (1995)
Slack, James C. Jr. - Lieutenant (1986)
Slamon, Kenneth J.- Sr. Clerk/Typist (1997
Sloan, William H. - Sergeant (1997)
Skinner, Eugene G. - Lieutenant (2005)
Slusarczyk, Walter - Police Officer (1999)
Smith, Arno T. - Patrolman (1984)
Smith, Donald E. - Detective Sergeant (1995)
Smith, Ruth E. -  Police Lead Dispatcher (2004)
Smith, Stuart S. - Lieutenant (1986)
Soenksen, Charles R. - Patrolman (1987)
Solkema, Arthur G. - Reserve Sergeant (2000)
Solomonsen, Peter O. - Detective (2004)
Sorbie, David - Police Officer (2001)
Sparks, Dennis B. - Reserve Captain (1988)
Speitel, Leonard R. "Ray" - Patrolman (1998)
Spencer, Thomas A. - Patrolman (1981)
Spiller, Allen J. - Patrolman (1981)
St. John, Frank III - Patrolman (1994)
Stahlschmidt, James D. - Reserve Officer (1995)
Starbuck, James T. - Poundmaster (1996)
Statton, Mary R. - Operator (1984)
Stephens, John R. - Detective (1984)
Stevie, Wayne G. - Patrolman (1992)
Stewart, James E. - Police Officer (1992)
Stotler, Thomas E. - Police Lifeguard/Patrolman (1986)
Stout, James L. - Detective Sergeant (1986)
Streeper, Wilmar K. - Patrolman (1997)
Strong, Stanley P. - Police Officer (1989)
Sturgis, Basil C. - Motorcycle Officer (1993)
Styles, Robert L. - Sr. Clerk/Typist (1988)
Suggett, Raymond - Patrolman (1999)
Summerville, Thomas - Patrolman (1981)
Sutton, Jack H. - Detective (1990)
Svidal, Lyder E. - Sergeant (1999)
Swaney, Robert C. - Detective (1990)
Swanner, Joseph T. III - Patrolman (2004)
Swenson, Nels L. - Patrolman (1994)
Swinson, Ernest - Patrolman (1981) 
Szymczak, Robert C. - Detective (1984)
Talbot, Alan C. - Patrolman (1984)
Talbot, William H. - Reserve Captain (1982)
Tallmon, Kenneth L. - Patrolman (1988)
Tague, Jack E.  - Sergeant (1990)
Tauber, Richard D. - Patrolman (1990)
Taylor, Chester V. - Patrolman (2000)
Taylor, William R. - Captain (2004)
Tazelaar, Richard S. - Patrolman (1996)
Teacher, Theodore A. - Police Lifeguard
Testa, Raymond J. - Patrolman (2002)
Tetzlaff, Raymond - Sergeant (1995)
Thom, Marion G. - Stenographer (1989)
Thrall, Lawrence E. - Captain (1982)
Tiffany, Harry K. - Police Officer (1981)
Tipton, Jack W. - Police Officer (1996)
Tonahill, Kimberly S. - Police Officer (1984)
Townsend, Harry J. - Motorcycle Officer (1989)
Tozier, David R. - Reserve Officer (1996)
Triplett, Larry D. - Police Officer (2004)
Tritle, Paul E. - Patrolman (1994)
Truitt, Carter F. - Sergeant (2000)
Truitt, James D. - Patrolman (2004)
Trustee, Marion D. - Patrolman (2004)
Tull, Harvey E. "Ellis" - Patrolman (1985)
Tussey, Jack R. - Detective (1996)
Tyler, Michael E. - Captain (1995)
Tyler, Wilfred L. "Tex" - Sergeant (1981)
Underwood, John S. - Patrolman (2005)
VanBoom, Julia - Telephone Operator (1985)
Vance, Paul O. Jr. - Reserve Officer (1983)
VanCleave, Dale F. - Sergeant (2001)
Vannucci, Joan - Policewoman (2000)
Vasquez, Robert - Police Officer (1994)
Vigil, Filbert S. - Reserve Officer (1998)
Vrsek, Paul - Reserve Officer (1999)
Vultaggio, Paul - Patrolman (1990)
Wadman, Elmer R. - Lieutenant (1995)
Wahlstrom, Robert H. - Patrolman (1991)
Wall, Earl - Detective (1999)
Wallace, Norman E. - Police Lifeguard (1990)
Walk, Paul - Sergeant (1986)
Walker, Robert l. - Commander (1987)
Walker, William L. Jr. - Police Officer (1996)
Warren, James L. - Patrolman (1993)
Washington, James J. Jr. - Patrolman (2004)
Washington, Lonnie J. - Utilityman (1981)
Wetherbee, Edna E. - Clerk (1995)
Webb, Bazil M. - Reserve Sergeant (2001) 
Webb, Edna M. - Police Matron (1993)
Webber, Roy F. Jr. - Reserve Patrolman (1986)
Weber, Donald L. - Patrolman (1988)
Wedgewood, Robert A. - Police Lifeguard (2000)
Weinmann, Bill - Equipment Mechanic (1984)
Weiss, Harvey C. - Reserve Sergeant (2004)
Welter, Robert S. - Motorcycle Officer (1996)
Wertanen, Oscar L. - Patrolman (2001)
Wesling, Carol - Clerical Assistant (2000)
West, Ashley - Patrolman (1998)
West, Steven G. - Police Officer (1995)
Whaley, Robert - Patrolman (2003)
Whalley, Richard G. - Criminalist (2002)
Whetstone, William W. - Patrolman (1986)
Wickstrom, Victor R. - Patrolman (1995)
Whipple, Robert A. - Animal Control Officer (1999)
White, George - Motorcycle Officer (1992)
White, John P. - Patrolman (2005)
Whitehead, Ely L. Jr. - Police Officer (1993)
Wight, Bobby D.- Detective (2004)
Wiles, Herman L. - Reserve Sergeant (1987)
Wilke, Royal M. - Reserve Officer (1998)
Williams, Robert L. M.D. - Police Surgeon (1995)
Williamson, Francys M. - Matron (2001)
Willis, C.E. - Reserve Officer (1983)
Willis, George W. - Patrolman (2002)
Willits, Lily A. - Clerk (1990)
Wilson, Frank M. - Patrolman (2003)
Wilson, Freemont N. - Patrolman (1998)
Winchester, Arleigh A. - Detective Sergeant (1981)
Winkelman, William H. - Patrolman (2003)
Winn, Alan H. - Police Officer (1991)
Woicka, William R. - Mechanic (1982)
Wolberg, Eugene - Criminalist (2000)
Wood, Alonzo K. Jr. - Patrolman (1993)
Woods, Randolph H. "Mike" - Motorcycle Officer (1985)
Work, James W. - Patrolman (1991)
Worrell, John - Sergeant (2000)
Wright, Bertram - Sergeant (1991)
Wright, Carol - Records Supervisor (1984)
Wyttenbach, Benjamin A. - Patrolman (1991)
Yankulov, Anthony P. - Sr. ID Technician
Yeargin, Richard W. - Patrolman (1998)
Yohan, David M. - Reserve Officer (2001)
York, Paul C. - Patrolman (2004)
Young, Robert E. - Sergeant - (1991)
Zemcik, John J. - Patrolman (1987)
Zeni, Albino - Reserve Officer (2001)
Zimmerman, Jack A. - Sergeant (2003)

Wright, Carol - Records Supervisor (1984)eant (2003)

Aaron, Thomas J. - Patrolman (2009)
Abbott, Donald K. - Detective (2017)
Acevedo, Joseph R.  - Police Officer (2008)
Adauto, Robert Jr. - Police Officer (2019)
Akridge, Roy H. - Patrolman (2012)
Aldridge, Dorance A. - Police Officer (2019)
Alexander, Gerald - Sergeant (2009)
Ahlgren, Ronald E. - Patrolman (2016)
Alverson, Russell L.  - Police Lifeguard (2009)
Amos, Richard J. Jr. - Sergeant (2018)
Anderson, Gerald E. - Reserve Lieutenant (2011)
Anderson, Jeanne - Police Dispatcher (2012)
Anderson, Kenneth A. - Sergeant (2020)
Anderson, Victor H. - Patrolman (2015)
Andrew, Leslie R. - Reserve Officer (2012)
Andrews, Mary Ellen - WPO (2015)
Anson, Warren J. - Sergeant (2010)
Armijo, Theodore R. - Detective Sergeant (2018)
Armstrong, Joseph B. Jr. - Detective (2014)
Arthur, Eugene M. - Patrolman (2016)
Ashfield, Arthur G. Jr. - Patrolman (2017)
Atkins, Anthony A. - Detective (2013)
Atkins, Charles D. - Lieutenant (2014)
Ayala, Jesus J. "Joe" - Sergeant (2018)
Ayers, David - Detective (2015)
Babao, Narcisco R. - Police Service Officer (2013)
Baber, Leonard M. - Patrolman (2008)
Bailey, Elton "Beetle" - Detective Sergeant (2015)
Baker, Inez J. - Administrative Aide II (2011)
Ballee, Jack P. - Patrolman (2009)
Bankhead, Keil - Inspector (2009)
Barack, Robert J. - Sergeant (2019)
Barber, Ralph E. Jr. - Police Lifeguard (2010)
Bardot, Carol J. - Sr. Clerk Typist (2019)
Barner, Frank W. - Motorcycle Officer (2011)
Becerra,  Maria J. "Jessica" - WPO (2016)
Becker, Wilf - Police Officer (2009)
Beckett, Alvin A. - Sergeant (2009)
Bell, George F. - Sergeant (2009)
Beronda, Ross G. - Detective (2012)
Biddy, Donald R. - Lieutenant (2016)
Biggers, Archie J. - Associate Management Analyst (2016)
Bilger, Allen R. - Patrolman (2015)
Bird, William - Detective (2010)
Blakeley, Christopher - Police Officer (2011)
Bliss, Eugene W. - Patrolman (2014)
Blood, Ivan H. - Patrolman (2010)
Blum, Edward L. "Larry" - Detective (2019)
Boas, Richard K. - Lieutenant (2016)
Borjas, Federico - Police Officer (2008)
Boston, Cedric - Police Officer (2001)
Boye, William F. Jr. - Agent (2010)
Boyce, Edwin S. - Detective (2017)
Brandon, Rubien D. - Patrolman (2019)
Braxtan, James E. - Police Officer (2019)
Brinks, Theodore - Detective (2016)
Brito, Frank J. - Police Officer (2010)
Brody, Irwin "Steve" - Detective (2018)
Brown, Allen D. - Lieutenant (2007)
Brown, John J. - Patrolman (2009)
Brown, Robert D. - Detective (2011)
Brown, Robert G. - Patrolman (2010)
Bryan, Terrance L. - Police Officer III (2019)
Bucheit, Frank B. - Sergeant (2014)
Bunnell, Elwin L. - Patrolman (2012)
Burgess, Charles - Reserve Officer (2018)
Burgreen, Robert W. - Chief (2007)
Burkett, Brett H. - Detective (2018)
Burkett, Oscar "Wayne" - Inspector (2014)
Burroughs, Alfred B. - Police Officer (2016)
Burton, James F. - Patrolman (2019)
Butcher, Warren A. - Police Lifeguard (2008)
Butler, Alfred J. - Patrolman (2019)
Butterfield, Mark W. - Police Officer (2014)
Button, Matthew C. - Police Officer (2014)
Camberos, Max M. - Detective (2013)
Cameron, William D. - Agent (2018)
Campo, Carl C.  - Detective 2019
Cantalupi, Cecilia - WPO (2015)
Canzoneri, Robert D. - Patrolman (2018) 
Caperton, Kevin R. - Information Systems Analyst (2015)
Carlson, Thomas - Police Officer (2017)
Carter, Charles - Detective (2008)
Carroll, Buddy L. - Police Fleet Manager (2018)
Carroll, Robert T. - Detective Sergeant (2015)
Carvey, Lyle B. Jr. - Patrolman (2012)
Cason, George R. - Police Officer (2006)
Castorena, Ramiro - Sergeant (2018)
Carver, James A. - Sergeant (2016)
Casey, Stephen L. - Detective (2016)
Caswell, Bernice - Detective (2009)
Cater, Samuel K. - Police Officer (2006)
Cerney, Billy Jr. - Reserve Officer (2010)
Chadwick, Richard J. - Patrolman (2010)
Chapman, George R. - Lieutenant (2014)
Chasteen, Samuel R. - Sergeant (2019)
Chouinard, Gene - Detective (2007)
Childs, Donald - Patrolman (2013)
Christie, Craig W. - Police Officer (2009)
Christman, Paul C. - Sergeant (2010)
Churchill, Michael P. - Patrolman (2014)
Clough, Robert J. - Patrolman (2007)
Clow, Wallace G. Jr. - Reserve Sergeant (2018)
Coburn, Albert J. - Lieutenant (2018)
Coffer, Dennis F. - Detective (2018)
Cole, Sherry - Parking Enforcement Officer (2014)
Conlin, Terrence P. - Patrolman (2006)
Connole, James W. - Assistant Chief (2007)
Cordonnier, Ralph J. - Patrolman (2006)
Cormier, Warren G. - Reserve Officer (2013)
Cowling, William S. II - Reserve Officer (2010)
Cox, Lloyd R. - Detective (2016)
Coyle, Bianca "Bee." - Police Dispatcher (2014)
Creason, Robert L. - Patrolman (2012)
Crooker, Gary L. - Patrolman (2016)
Croom, Oscar P. "Jerry" - Sergeant (2011)
Crosby, Tyrone H. - Detective (2011)
Cross, Steven D. - Detective Sergeant (2017)
Crow, Charles D. "Dave" - Captain (2018)
Cullins, Jerry D. - Patrolman (2019)
Cunningham, Joseph - Detective Sergeant (2011)
Cunningham, Willie T. - Patrolman (2017)
Cunradi, Ida - Word Processing Operator (2016)
Churchill, Michael P. Sr. - Patrolman (2014)
Dacy, Richard "Dick" - Detective (2016)
Dacy, Russell F. "Fred" - Detective (2017)
Daggett, Robert P. - Police Lifeguard (2010)
Darnaud, Andre W. "Bill" - Patrolman (2008)
Davis, Alan B. - Sergeant (2010)
Davis, Donald - Deputy Chief (2012)
Davis, John Sr. - Patrolman (2014)
Davis, Michael D. - Sergeant (2013)
Davis, Michael J. - Police Officer (2007)
Davis, Richard A. - Sergeant (2009)
Davis, Ralph M. - Inspector (2010)
Day, William J. Jr. - Police Officer (2017)
Dean, Michael J. - Detective (2013)
DeBolt, Edwin C. - Assistant Chief (2008)
DeChandt, Thomas Z. - Detective Sergeant (2014)
DeGuzman, Jonathan M. - Police Officer (2016)
Dellis, Clifton - Patrolman (2008)
DeLoach, John N. - Detective (2017)
Dennis, Danny N. - Detective (2016)
Depuy, Quentin R. - Patrolman (2011)
Derbonne (Mooers), Bette Lou - Senior Clerk/Typist (2012)
Desch, Robert A. - Patrolman (2017)
Dibb, Franklin - Sergeant (2006)
Dicerchio, Anthony L. - Captain (2019)
Didick, Daniel P. - Police Officer (2010)
Dickson, Fred - Lieutenant (2010)
Dietrich, Stephen J. - Agent (2010)
Dillard, Alfred J. "John" - Police Officer (2010)
Dixon, Morris P. "Pat" - Police Officer (2016)
Dobson, John P. - Detective (2006)
Dodge, Robert L. - Sergeant (2012)
Donohue, John E. - Patrolman (2018)
Dorsett, Gary - Forensic Specialist (2012)
Doshier, Wilbert A. - Lieutenant (2015)
Draa, David - Police Officer (2013)
Dronenberg, Richard E. - Patrolman (2010)
Drummond, Stuart D. - Patrolman (2013)
Dunbar, John G. - Police Agent (2015)
Duschel, Carles C. Jr. - Patrolman (2009)
Ebbert, Edward J. - Police Officer (2013)
Eberhardt, Bette - Agent (2017)
Ecklund, Carl - Captain (2017)
Edgett, Robert N. Jr. - Police Officer (2009)
Edmonds, Samuel R. - Motorcycle Officer (2014)
Edwards, Fred G. - Detective (2015)
Edwards, Vincent - Dispatcher (2007)
Eide, Daryl A. - Mechanic (2008)
Eide, Gene - Motorcycle Officer (2010)
Ellers, George F. Jr. - Patrolman (2014)
Elliott, John P. - Police Officer (2017)
Ellis, Charles R. - Lieutenant (2010)
Emmerson, Leigh G. - Detective (2006)
Enderlin, Matthew J. - Police Officer 2018
Endres, Dean C. - Patrolman (2010)
Engelter, Leonard H. Jr. - Police Officer (2016)
English, David R. - Detective (2014)
English, William Sr. - Police Officer (2012)
Ennell, Eric J. Jr. - Captain (2007)
Erquiaga, Fernando - Patrolman (2006) 
Estrada, Ciara A.  - Police Officer (2018)
Estrella, James S. - Police Officer (2011)
Ewain, Randy L. - Police Officer (2007)
Falco, Carl - Patrolman (2009)
Fairburn, Robert - Reserve Lieutenant (2007)
Farrar, James W. "Bill" - Police Officer (2015)
Fay, Timothy A. - Detective (2018)
Fettig, Kenneth - Police Officer (2014)
Ferona, Pat E. - Police Dispatcher (2015)
Feuer, Owen O. - Patrolman (2013)
Fitzgerald, Shirly D. "Dean" - Patrolman (2014)
Fitzenmeyer, Max C. - Motorcycle Officer (2015)
Flood, Robert G. - Detective (2006)
Flores, William R. - Police Officer (2010)
Fobert, Raymond F. - Detective (2011)
Frame, Richard - Detective (2012)
Frank, John- Police Officer (2007)
Franson (Magown), Ronna K. - Police Service Officer (2019)
Frazier, Jack - Patrolman (2007)
Fregia, Larry - Forensic Specialist (2012)
Fricke, Suzanne - Radio Operator (2008)
Frietas, John W. "Jack" - Detective (2015)
Fullen, Clinton H.  - Latent Print Examiner (2012)
Fullerton, Donald E. - Reserve Lieutenant (2010)
Furtak, Robert A. - Detective Sergeant (2016)
Gamble, James H. - Property& Evidence Clerk (2009)
Garay, Fidel - Detective (2018)
Garcia, David D. - Detective (2019)
Gardner, Gary A. - Patrolman (2008)
Garland, Boyyd D. - Patrolman (2015)
Gasca (Roberts) Karen L. - Word Processing Operator (2018)
Gaughen, Peter - Police Officer (2019)
Gener, John P. "JJ" - Detective (2014)
Gerbac, Frank A. - Detective (2018)
Giblin, Jerome F. - Patrolman (2000)
Gildark, Gregory W. - Police Officer (2012)
Gilson, Charles L. "Larry" - Police Officer (2016)
Ginn, Leslie N. - Lieutenant (2010)
Gobel, Jack - Police Animal Regulation/Lion Trainer (2011)
Golden, Richard L. - Police Officer (2014)
Gordon, Huntley S. - Patrolman (2006)
Gordon, James M. - Police Officer (2010)
Grady, Harry L. - Patrolman (2009)
Granstedt, Charlene - Dispatcher (2014)
Green, William C. - Detective (2018)
Gregorio, Robert - Detective Sergeant (2006)
Gregory, John R. - Lieutenant (2014)
Grimm, Charles L. - Lieutenant (2017)
Griner, Robert C. Jr. - Police Chaplain (2017)
Grundstrom, Robert E. - Patrolman (2009)
Guiette, William E. Jr. - Sergeant (2013)
Guisti, William M. - Detective (2007)
Gutierrez, Carlos - Sergeant (2020)
Haas, Harry F. Sr. - Detective (2015)
Haddock, George A. - Sergeant (2009)
Halgren, John A. "Jack" - Reserve Police Officer (2012)
Hall, David A. - Captain (2019)
Hall, David C. - Police Officer (2011)
Hall, Thomas W. - Captain (2014)
Halley, William R. "Bob" - Detective (2014)
Hansen, Owen P. - Patrolman (2013)
Hardman, Norman G. - Detective (2016
Hare, James W. - Reserve Police Officer (2008)
Harris, Robert E. - Detective (2019)
Harrison, Robert L. - Police Officer (2007)
Harrison, William H. - Patrolman (2007)
Hassen, Gary S. - Detective (2018)
Hays, Melvin L. - Patrolman (2008)
Healey, Michael S. - Detective Sergeant (2018)
Hemenway, Stanley M. - Patrolman (2006)
Henson, Harold T. - Police Lifeguard (2014)
Henry, Dale - Police Officer (2012)
Henwood, Jeremy N. - Police Officer (2011)
Hergenroether, James F. - Detective (2018)
Herron, Wayne W. - Sergeant (2019)
Hess, Richard G. - Patrolman (2016)
Higgins, Jack M. - Patrolman (2010)
Highsmith, David F. - Detective (2011)
Higuera, Steven F. - Police Officer (2018)
Hill, Jerald V. - Patrolman (2015)
Hoefer, Tammy K. - Police Officer (2006)
Homan, Rosemary - WPO (2016)
Hook, Paul W. - Sergeant (2008)
Hoolihan, John P. - Lieutenant (2014)
Houle, Richard W. - Latent Print Examiner (2008)
Howell, William E. - Lieutenant (2018)
Hoyle, Fred A. - Detective Sergeant (2019)
Hubble, Lester H. "Butch" - Sergeant (2014)
Huckstep, Timothy W. - Police Officer (2019)
Hughes, Andru - Property & Evidence Clerk (2017)
Hunt, Claude - Patrolman (2017)
Ingledew, Paul A. - Police Lifeguard (2014)
Ingraham, Lawrence M. - Police Officer (2019)
Irwin, Andrew J. - Patrolman (2010)
Jackson, Ollie - Patrolman (2007)
Jacobsen, William - Detective Sergeant (2012)
Jauregui, Robert B. - Assistant Chief (2009)
Jauregui, Thomas R. - Detective (2019)
Jirgal, Robert M. - Police Lifeguard (2010)
Johnson, John A. - Police Officer (2015) 
Jones, Jerry - Reserve Sergeant (2012)
Joslin, Loren E. - Captain (2011)
Jourdan, Harry R. - Detective (2014)
Kauffman, Nathaniel W. - Sergeant (2017)
Keeler, Ted R. - Patrolman (2019)
Keith, Dale V. - Police Officer (2013)
Kelley, Roy F. - Sergeant (2009)
Kelly, Hank G. - Detective Lieutenant (2011)
Kennedy, James L. - Commander (2015)
Kennedy, John W. - Detective Sergeant (2011)
Kenny, Francis L. "Larry" - Lieutenant (2018)
Kepner, Donald C. - Police Officer (2016)
Kilcrease, Arthur R. - Patrolman (2009)
Kilday, James - Patrolman (2010)
Kilgore, Charles - Sergeant (2016)
Kirkendall - Kingston, Sandy J. - Policewoman (2014)
Knight, William A. - Detective (2014)
Knoll, Donald - Sergeant (2013)
Knuth, Richard W. - Police Officer (2014)
Knuth, Ronald R. - Police Officer (2015)
Kolender, William B. - Chief of Police (2015)
Koer, Jacob J. Jr. - Sergeant (2014)
Krall, Franklin Jr. - Detective Sergeant (2014)
Krevitz, Robert N. - Patrolman (2018)
Lamond, Lawrence J. - Sergeant (2007)
Lapacek, Donald E. - Patrolman (2007)
Lange, Terry A. - Detective (2018)
Larsen, Maria E.K. - Police Officer (2016)
Lawford, Scott M. - Police Officer (2014)
Lee, James S. III - Sergeant (2008)
Lilly, Jack T. - Sergeant (2010)
Linardi, Anthony J. - Police Officer (2019)
Lindsley, Donald E. Sr. - Detective (2008)
Lindstrom, Larry J. - Detective (2016)
Lockhart, Ted - Patrolman (2013)
Loeffler, Mick G. - Police Officer (2018)
Long, James W. - Sergeant (2014)
Mace, Gerald W. - Patrolman (2008)
MacMillan, Frederick - Police Officer (2014)
Madrid, Peter - Police Officer (2019)
Maler, Richard - Detective (2013)
Maley-Graham, Marilyn J. - Policewoman (2008)
Malone, Bernard A. - Motorcycle Officer (2008)
Manning, LeRoy C. - Patrolman (2008)
Martin, Kenneth D. - Police Officer (2015)
Martinez, Frank Jr. - Detective Sergeant (2015)
Marugg, Ernest L. - Patrolman - (2013)
Matsumoto, Kiyoko - Clerk (2011)
Maupin, Carl - Reserve Sergeant (2013)
McClary, Donald B. - Patrolman (2011)
McCullough, Olen C. - Motorcycle Officer (2017)
McDaniel, Robert E. - Lieutenant (2017)
McDowell, LeRoy - Detective (2019)
McFadden, Leonard T. Jr. - Motorcycle Officer (2014)
McKee, Donna - Dispatcher (2012)
McKinney, Billy L. - Police Officer (2010)
McKinney, Lawrence - Assistant Chief (2016)
McLaurin, Louis III - Police Officer (2009)
McLennan, Robert E. - Detective Sergeant (2017)
McMath, Dwight L. - Sergeant (2016)
McManus, Robert E. - Detective (2017)
McMillan, Robert - Police Officer (2012)
McWilliams, Michael - Police Officer (2009)
McVay, Hollie - Clerical Assistant I (2001)
Mertha, William E. - Patrolman (2007)
Meyer, Christine A. - Dispatcher II (2016)
Miles, Carmi D. - Detective (2015)
Millhouse, Gail N. - Police Officer (2017)
Miller, Vione M. - Word Processing Operator (2016)
Mitchel, Larry - Mechanic (2016)
Moller, Kenneth E. - Captain (2013)
Montgomery, Joseph E. - Police Officer  (2019)
Moore, Willie G. - Detective (2018)
Morin (Johnson), Cynthia S. - Community Service Officer (2018)
Morse, Billie - Sergeant (2007)
Morse, Richard O. - Detective Sergeant (2013)
Mousley, James D. - Police Officer (2018)
Moya, David - Police Officer (2006)
Meuhleisen, Gene S. - Captain (2009)
Mullen, Owen J. - Police Chaplain (2016)
Muller, Donald - Detective Sergeant (2013)
Murphy, Robert M.- Sergeant (2007)
Murray, John P. Jr. - Detective (2008)
Nelson, Wilmer O. - Detective (2013)
Newman,Ronald G. - Captain (2007)
Newton, Norman V. - Police Officer (2010)
Nichols, Isaac - Police Agent (2011) 
Nordick, David L. Sr. - Patrolman (2006)
Norris, David R. - Detective (2008)
Novotny, Paul E. - Lieutenant (2011)
Novotney, Clayton L. - Reserve Lieutenant (2019)
Nulton, Betty - Police Dispatcher (2010)
Nuttall, George C. - Patrolman (2014)
Nyhus, Veon D. - Deputy Chief (2013)
Oberlies, Leslie III - Detective (2017)
O'Brien, Kenneth J. - Deputy Chief (2010)
O'Dell, Gilbert G. - Police Dispatch Supervisor (2019)
O'Reilly, Lawrence S. - Reserve Captain (2011)
Olesen, Dorthea R. - Policewoman (2013)
Olesen, Edward - Patrolman (2006)
Olias, Henry V. - Captain (2010)
O'Quinn, Christopher D. - Police Officer (2009)
O'Rourke, George M. - Police Officer (2008)
Orsino, Lee - Detective (2015)
Packer, Thomas R. - Sergeant (2014)
Padilla, Daniel L. - Police Officer (2007)
Palomino, Thomas R. - Police Officer (2013)
Palmer, Arthur - Detective Sergeant (2008)
Palmore, Sherman - Reserve Sergeant (2012)
Patterson, Leroy - Motorcycle Officer (2007)
Paxton, Wayne K. - Patrolman (2006)
Pearston, David L. - Sergeant (2014)
Peironnet, Joseph W. III - Dispatch Supervisor (2014)
Penaylillo, Jorge I. - Police Officer (2018)
Pennock, Ronald J. - Patrolman (2015)
Peterson, Robert M. - Sergeant (2009)
Perkins, Robert L. - Sergeant (2009)
Perrin, Kenneth A. - Motorcycle Officer (2007)
Peters, Frank H. - Lieutenant (2012)
Pettersen, Harold F. - Patrolman (2019)
Peterson-McCannon, Sally M. - Policewoman (2007)
Petty, Jack M. - Lieutenant (2012)
Peyton, Anita M. - Parking Enforcement Officer II (2019)
Pham, Sinh V. - Police Service Officer (2018)
Phillips, Peggy - Clerical Assistant (2012)
Pledger, Gordon E. - Sergeant (2006)
Pletcher, Jack - Radio Technician (2014)
Pittman, Carl L. - Police Officer (2019)
Potter, Gary A.L. - Police Officer (2008)
Preman, Wayne D. - Identification Technician (2012)
Prokop, Jason - Police Officer (2011)
Prouty, Robert E. - Sergeant (2016)
Provencher, Jack R. "J.R." - Detective (2013)
Prutzman, Robert T. - Police Officer (2019)
Pry, Hanly J. "Bud"- Detective (2011)
Puente, Alberto G. - Detective (2008)
Puente, Anthonio C. - Detective (2016
Pulsipher, Raymond C. - Detective (2013)
Pyle, Fred Jr. - Patrolman (2006)
Quick, Roy E. - Patrolman (2007)
Randall, Gilbert O. "Bud" - Detective (2006)
Rasmussen, John I. - Patrolman (2007)
Ratner, Woodrow A. - Reserve Officer (2008)
Raymond, Edward C. - Patrolman (2009)
Redding, Clyde A. - Detective (2014)
Redding, Gordon G. - Detective Sergeant (2011)
Reynolds, Milton - Police Lifeguard (2008)
Rice, Charles M. "Mike" - Assistant Chief (2013)
Richardson, William A. - Lieutenant (2007)
Richmond, Raymond L. - Reserve Officer (2019)
Rico, Julian M. - Detective (2019)
Riggs, Charles W. - Sergeant (2008)
Riley, Richard - Police Officer (2010)
Riste, Roger C. - Patrolman (2008)
Rivera, Juan "John" III - Sergeant (2016)
Robb, Robert R. Sr. - Police Officer (2018)
Robertson, Ronald - Patrolman (2002)
Robins, Keith - Police Officer (2017)
Robinson, Bill - Sr. Public Information Officer (2005)
Rodriguez, Carlos S. - Police Service Officer (2016)
Rodriguez, Henry - Police Chaplain (2016)
Rodriguez, Louis A. - Detective (2006)
Rocco, Melody - Investigative Aide (2010)
Rogers, Janice J. - Police Records Clerk (2020)
Romero, Robert A. "Buddy" - Patrolman (2019)
Rosenbloom, Avron "Bud" - Reserve Police Officer (2019)
Ross, Susan M. - Dispatch Supervisor (2011)
Russell, David N. - Detective (2015)
Ruvido, Joseph L. - Sergeant (2019)
Sada, Athos "Pino" - Deputy Chief - (2006)
Saldivar, Richard - Police Officer (2017)
Samoncik, Stephen J. - Police Officer (2018)
Sanders, James L. - Detective (2007)
Sanford, Donald C. - Patrolman (2015)
Sanger, Wilmer D. - Patrolman (2005)
Sattler, Bernard - Patrolman (2011)
Sawyer, Kenneth - Patrolman (2017)
Schadke, Judith A. - Administrative Aide (2018)
Schaefer, Henry F. - Detective (2009)
Schilder, Charles - Captain (2017)
Schmidt, Frank M. - Patrolman (2016)
Schwalbach, Joseph W. - Captain (2018)
Schwartz, Boyd - Lieutenant (2009)
Seagraves, Harvey W. - Detective (2017)
Searl, Harvey Wm. - Reserve Lieutenant (2009)
Seki, Marilou S. - Dispatch Supervisor (2012)
Sekishiro, Ben S. - Reserve Officer (2013)
Seymour, Douglas K. - Reserve Police Officer (2018)
Sgobba, Michael - Assistant Chief (2011)
Shanley, Lawrence P. - Sergeant (2006)
Shannon, Arthur H. - Sergeant (2019)
Sharpe, Katherine - Dispatcher II (2016)
Sheeler, Francis D. - Reserve Officer (2012)
Shipley, Carl - Detective (2013)
Shirley, Winton H. - Patrolman (2007)
Shively, James A. - Detective (2016)
Sholan, Mark A. - Police Property & Evidence Specialist (2020)
Shoupe, Dale R. - Police Lifeguard (2017)
Sigler, Emil - Police Lifeguard (2011)
Sigwalt, Raymond E. - Lieutenant (2014)
Simms, John W "Jack". - Detective (2013)
Smith, James - Patrolman (2019)
Smith, Manuel R. - Detective (2015)
Smith, Robert E. - Sergeant (2006)
Smith, Russell - Police Officer (2012)
Snider, Burl R. - Lieutenant (2009)
Spaniol, John C. - Police Officer (2015)
Spillman, John W. - Police Lifeguard (2011)
Spisak, David - Lieutenant (2014)
Sprong, Charles E. - Reserve Officer (1996)
Staley, Leroy - Lieutenant (2018)
Staley, Thomas - Police Officer (2011)
Standen, Thomas K. - Patrolman (2015)
Stanley, Daniel Sr. - Detective (2007)
Stanson, Michael E. - Police Officer (2012)
Stanton, George W. - Patrolman (2018)
Stark, James F. - Detective (2016)
Stasko, Alexander R. - Reserve Officer (2015)
Stephens, Norman D. - Detective (2019)
Stevens, Ed C. - Detective Lieutenant (2014)
Stevens, Jesse D. - Detective (2019)
Steward, Larry W. - Detective (2009)
Steward, Monica - Admin Aide II (2018)
Steward, Stanley - Police Officer (2013)
Streagle, Mack B. Patrolman (2011)
Stuart, James - Police Officer (2005)
Sturm, Gerald A. - Lieutenant (2014)
Sufficool, Richard L. - Sergeant (2019)
Sumrow, James N. - Patrolman (2017)
Suter, Theodore E. - Police Officer (2013)
Sutton, Harold D. "Hal" - Sergeant (2014
Swaim, Bernie R. - Captain (2013)
Switzer, Wayne - Police Officer (2017)
Szymczak, Charles M. - Detective (2016) 
Tangredi, John J. - Detective (2019)
Terry, Marvin E. - Police Agent (2017)
Thelin, John P. - Police Officer (2019)
Thompson, Hie A. - Patrolman (2006)
Thompson, John H.  - Sergeant (2019)
Thorne, Harry E. - Patrolman (2012)
Thornton, Gene L. - Patrolman (2013)
Tilton, Wayne A. - Detective (2020)
Tompkins, Garrell "Gary" K. - Police Officer (2020)
Toneck, Richard M. - Captain (2017)
Torres, Francisco - Police Officer (2016)
Traver, Donald "Dean" - Detective (2016)
Trebil, John R. Sr. - Storekeeper II (2013)
Trevino, Robert - Sergeant (2009)
Tron, Daniel O. "Oscar" - Patrolman (2016)
Tyler, Jan M. - Police Officer (2011)
Unbehend, William F. - Dispatcher (2010)
Vallance, John H. - Animal Regulation Officer (2007)
Vandiver, Hugh "Mike" - Lieutenant (2008)
Van Orden, Roderick P. - Info Systems Analyst (2016)
Varley, Joseph S. - Detective (2008)
Vaughn, Nelson L. "Lee" - Captain (2018)
Vesand, Lloyd K. - Patrolman (2017)
Vickers, John D. - Detective (2006)
Vinson, Edward T. Jr. - Animal Control Officer (2011)
Wach, Clyde - Patrolman (2006)
Wade, Franklin D. - Reserve Officer (2016)
Wagner, Thomas H. - Detective (2019)
Walker, Ronald - Sergeant (2012)
Walters, John H. - Police Officer (2015)
Warren, John L. - Detective (2017)
Watley, Ira H. - Patrolman (2002)
Watt, Russell A. - Police Officer (2018)
Waugh, Lloyd E. "Lew" - Police Officer (2011)
Weathers, Bruce W. - Lieutenant (2008)
Weaver, Wilbert O. - Detective (2017)
Webb, Michael J. - Police Officer (2015)
Webb, Raymond - Reserve Captain (2019)
Weetman, James A. - Serviceman (2008)
Wentz - Smith, Octavia L.  - Sergeant (2008)
Wheeldon, George N. - Polygrapher (2009)
Whitehead, Edward H. - Patrolman (2009)
Whitlock, George F. - Patrolman (2013)
Whitten, Larry T. - Patrolman (2019)
Wible, Francis L. - Patrolman (2010)
Wiebusch, Ronnie - Reserve Officer (2013)
Wilbanks, John R. - Patrolman (2011)
Wiles, Gary H. - Patrolman (2011)
Wilkerson, Albert - Police Officer (2018)
Williams, Donna L. - Detective (2011)
Williams, Howard C. - Detective Sergeant (2007)
Williams, Johnnie L. - Detective (2010)
Williams, Patricia R. - Dispatch Supervisor (2014)
Williams, Timothy D. - Detective (2015)
Willis, Barbara C. - Telephone Operator (2010)
Wills, Ronald - Sergeant (2013)
Winters, Timothy - Patrolman (2014)
Wilshire, Samuel W. Jr. - Reserve Officer (2018)
Wilson, Christopher A. - Police Officer (2010)
Wilson, Melvin N. Jr. - Police Lifeguard (2017)
Wilson, Victor E. - Detective (2017)
Wollgast, Arthur F. - Patrolman (2006)
Woo, Lucy - Clerk (2010)
Wood, Kirby W. - Detective (2018)
Worden, David M. - Assistant Chief (2014)
Wormsley, Samuel S. - Mechanic (2008)
Wren, Joanne M. - DIspatcher (2009)
Wright, Donald L. - Detective (2016)
Wright, Paul - Police Officer (2013)
Wright, Walter C. - Patrolman (2013)
Wylie, Robert P. - Detective (2016)
Yetta, WInston - Captain (2015)
Yodis, Lillian C. - Telephone Operator (2004)
Young, Dwight J. - Police Lifeguard (2009)
Yuzapavik, Leo R. - Patrolman (2019)
Zadorozny, Peter J. - Detective Sergeant (2008)
Zarkos, Robert S. - Patrolman (2016)
Zellmer, Frank  - Detective (2006)
Zingheim, Robert J. - Police Lifeguard/Patrolman (2006)
Zupan, Thomas - Reserve Officer (2007)
Addington, Frank M. - Police Officer (2020)
Albright, Raymond Jr. - Sergeant (2024)
Almos, Jesse R. - Detective (2023)
Annis, Mark S. - Police Agent (2023)
Alvarez, Alan R. - Police Officer (2022)
Armstead, Rulette V. - Assistant Chief (2020)
Arway, Joseph A. - Parking Enforcement Supervisor (2023)
Asbury, Earl E. - Police Officer (2021)
Avrech, Larry S. - Police Officer (2024)
Barone, Roy R. "Frank" - Detective Sergeant (2022)
Becker, Debbie K. - Police Officer (2024)
Berner, Gerald F. - Detective (2021)
Beveridge, Larry L. - Sergeant (2024)
Blakesley, Gifford D. Detective (2024)
Blaylock, Michael D. - Agent (2022)
Blodgett, Ronald J. - Patrolman (2022)
Boughton, Donald F: Patrolman/Police Dispatch Supervisor (2025)
Bowen, Gary L. Jr. - Police Officer (2022)
Bowling, Thomas J. - Patrolman (2024) 
Buono, John III: - Detective (2024)
Bradford, Eddie Rae - Dispatcher II (2020)
Breedlove, Wesley W. Jr. - Detective (2024)
Brown, Rayann - Police Service Officer II (2023)
Bryant, John P. - Police Agent (2024)
Byler, Brett M. - Police Officer (2021)
Byrd, Bruce T. - Police Officer (2022)
Cahill, William D. - Detective (2023)
Calhoun, Darnell - Police Officer (2023)
Caylor, Russell M. - Captain (2022)
Chapman, Lawrence "Muggsy" - Detective (2023)
Chelby, Steven C. - Detective (2021)
Christensen, Frank G. - Detective (2024)
Christensen, Zola R. - Police Officer (2022)
Clanton, Robert - Police Officer (2024)
Clark, Robert C. - Police Officer (2021)
Clem, WIlliam L. - Sergeant (2023)
Clippinger, Michael A. - Police Officer (2022)
Cloniger, Clarence J. - Police Officer (2021)
Cole, Rex A. Jr. - Sergeant (2022)
Collins, Kevin M. -  Police Officer (2022)
Cone, Donald R. - Police Officer (2020)
Conti, Jaime D. - Agent (2020)
Cook, Lisa M. - Police Officer (2021)
Coulter, Benton R. "Rick" - Detective (2023)
Cowan, Robert I. "Scotty" - Police Officer (2021)
Cross, Peter - Reserve Lieutenant (2024)
Crow, Billie F. - Police Dispatcher (2025)
Cyktor-Adams, Karen - Police Officer (2024)
Dale, Terry C. - Detective (2024)
Dant, Tilton C. "Chuck" Jr. - Sergeant (2022)
Darwent, Larry W. - Detective (2020)
Davis, Eric C. - Police Officer (2024)
DeArmas, Alexander - Detective Sergeant (2024)
Degelder, Terrence R. - Sergeant (2023)
Dillon, Gene L. "Matt" - Detective (2020)
Dolan, David J. - Detective Sergeant (2020)
Dosh, Farris L. - Detective (2024)
Dougherty, Ronald H. - Detective (2022)
Duncan, Gary P. - Patrolman (2022)
Dunn, Rudy - Detective (2022)
Dunne, William K. - Sergeant (2022)
Edwards, Sheryl L. - Police Officer (2020)
Ellison, Charles E. - Lieutenant (2020)
Elmore, Stanley A. - Sergeant (2023)
England, Alfred D. - Sergeant (2024)
English, James D. "Doug" - Sergeant (2021)
Erwin, Holly A. - Detective (2020)
Faubel, Timothy K. - Detective (2025)
Filley, James D. - Lieutenant (2024)
Flanagan, Michael F. - Sergeant (2025)
Fortier, Kenneth N. - Assistant Chief (2022)
Garcia, Richard W.  - Police Officer (2020)
Gascon, Peter Z. - Parking Enforcement Officer (2020)
Gibson, Dennis A. - Lieutenant (2024)
Gilbert, Robert I. - Sergeant (2023)
Glenn, Kimberly - Information Systems Manager (2021)
Gomez, Edward F. - Detective (2022)
Gorsica, Chester N. - Police Officer (2020)
Goodner, Darrell L. - Detective (2024)
Goudarzi, Harold E. - Sergeant (2023)
Gregg (Pickford), Christine A. - Detective (2020)
Grier, Charlie Jr. - Parking Enforcement Officer (2022)
Grigsby, Roy - Reserve Officer (2023)
Gritton, Wayne A. - Sergeant (2020)
Grobe, Dan C. - Police Officer (2023)
Guaderrama, Manuel C. - Assistant Chief (2023)
Guevara, Jorge E. - Lieutenant (2023)
Gunn, Joseph C. - Patrolman (2021)
Haeussinger, John D. - Detective (2021)
Hall, Timothy C. - Detective (2022)
Hannibal, Robert E. - Detective (2022)
Hartman, John F. - Patrolman (2022)
Hatcher, James E. - Patrolman (2021)
High, Wade S. - Detective (2020)
Hill, Gary W. - Police Agent (2021)
Hinds, Richard C. - Police Officer
Hinton, Steven R. - Lieutenant (2021)
Hoffman, Blake M. - Sergeant (2021)
Holmes, William A. Sr. - Reserve Captain (2022)
Hogate, Michael L. - Patrolman (2024)
Hooper, Perry L. - Agent (2020)
Hoot, Richard L. - Sergeant (2020)
Hoover, William M. - Lieutenant (2023)
Hotchkiss, William F. - Lieutenant (2023)
Hulet, Herb J. - Patrolman (2022)
Iglesias, Herman V. - Detective (2021)
Jaffe, Ralph R. - Police Officer (2021)
James, Robert L. - Lieutenant (2022)
Jazo, Artutro R. - Senior Motive Service Tech (2024)
Johnson (Maroney), Glynda A. - Police Officer (2022)
Jones, Leonard E. - Police Officer (2025)
Jordan, Nathaniel - Police Officer (2024)
Karsh, Daniel - Sergeant (2022)
Kertson, Bruce E. - Detective (2020)
Ladd, Ronald A. - Police Officer (2024)
Laprath, Alan V. - Police Officer (2020)
Larmour, Ronald P. - Sergeant (2020)
Larson, James G. - Sergeant (2024)
Laubach, Donald A. - Police Officer (2022)
Laursen, Stephen J. - Detective Sergeant (2024)
Lavenant - Romero, Alejandro - Police Officer (2022)
Learn, Gary W. - Captain (2023)
Lewis, Edgar "Dick" - Detective (2024)
Leyva, Juan P. - Police Service Officer II (2021)
Lobel, James H. - Police Officer (2022)
Lopez, Jesus M. "Manny" - Sergeant (2024)
Love, Denis R. - Sergeant (2020)
Lumm, Frank A. - Detective (2023)
Luna, Shelly K. - Detective (2020)
Machitar, Austin C. - Police Officer (2024)
Manis, James R. - Detective Sergeant (2021)
Mansfield, John E. - Lieutenant (2022)
Martin, Leonard D. - Detective Sergeant (2021)
Martin, Lynda K. - Intermediate Typist
Martz, Philip A. Jr. - Sergeant (2020)
Massey, Albert M. - Sergeant (2020)
Matteson, Frederick N. - Patrolman (2021)
Mattingly, Charles A. - Sergeant (2024)
Mauk, Buell E. Jr. - Patrolman (2021)
Mayfield, Douglas A. - Detective (2022)
Maynor, James P. - Detective (2021)
McBride, Lonnie D. - Patrolman (2021)
McDonald, Allen C. - Detective (2021)
McQuien, Robert T. - Police Officer (2024)
Medina (Paris), Carly L. - Sergeant (2021)
Meyer, Curtis T. - Police Officer (2022)
Michelson (Hannibal), Rose - Police Officer (2022)
Milam, Deborah P. - Police Officer (2020)
Miles, William R. - Police Officer (2022)
Mongtomery, Barbara J. - Detective (2021)
Moody, Jerry D. - Lieutenant (2023)
Moore, Donald Z. - Detective (2021)
Morales, Peter A. - Detective Sergeant (2020)
Morrison, Iris - Clerk (2020)
Morse, Terry B. - Detective (2024)
Murphy, Gary E. - Detective (2024)
Murray, Nelson W. - Sergeant (2024)
Naliboff, Scott D. - Detective Sergeant (2022) 
Nemetz, Richard E. - Sergeant (2023)
Nisleit, Randall L. - Captain (2023)
Nuhn, Leslie M. - Detective (2020)
Nunley, Robert W. - Detective Sergeant (2025)
Olson, Kerry - Dispatch Clerk (2023)
Olson, Paul E.- Detective (2025)
Orso, Lawrence D. - Police Officer (2024)
Orvosh, William T. - Police Officer (2022)
Ott, Jeanne F. - Police 911 Dispatcher (2024)
Ott, Michael W. - Detective (2022)
Pagan, Robert J. - Parking Enforcement Officer II (2022)
Park (Huntley) Jamie R. - Detective (2021)
Park, Ryan A. - Detective (2021)
Pearson, John R. "Jack" - Lieutenant (2022)
Phillips, Gary D. - Detective (2024)
Plewak, Jerry M. - Police Officer (2020)
Plough, Stephan E. - Police Officer (2022)
Poncavage, William A. - Detective Sergeant (2022)
Preece, Dixie L. - Police Dispatcher (2021)
Price, Harlan I. - Patrolman (2023)
Price, William D. "Doug" - Captain (2020)
Priem, Ralph G. - Sergeant (2023)
Rawles, David E. "Lou" - Police Officer (2023)
Rex, Robert L. - Sergeant (2021)
Richter, Walter R. - Patrolman (2024)
Rorrison, Paul R. - Lieutenant (2024)
Rose, Patrick H. - Captain (2022)
Ruiz, Lorenzo Jr. - Police Officer (2020)
Rundberg, Richard L. - Detective (2021)
Russell, Thomas H. - Patrolman (2024)
Sammons, Edward R. - Sergeant (2023)
San Jose, Crispin S. - Police Officer (2021)
Saunders, Marilyn A. - Intermediate Typist (2021)
Scanlon, Pamela L. - ARJIS Administer (2020)
Schroers, Robert T. - Detective Sergeant (2021)
Schultz, Barbara J. - Detective (2020)
Schutte, Sally - Police Dispatcher (2023)
Seden, Ronald J. - Lieutenant (2025)
Sergott, Edward J. - Sergeant (2020)
Shanley, Patrick J. - Detective (2022)
Sisto, David M. Jr. - Police Officer (2021)
Sly, Kian L. - Police Officer (2024)
Snyder, Greth D. - Police Officer (2023)
Sperber, Norman "Skip" - Reserve Officer (2022)
Strangman-Edwards, Edna - Investigative Aide (2021)
Stanley, Melvin D. - Sergeant (2023)
Steffen, Francis J. - Detective (2021)
Strong, Sanford A. - Sergeant (2021)
Strzelecki, Ernest J. - Patrolman (2022)
Sweeney, Richard L. - Patrolman (2021)
Thurston, Chester W. - Detective (2023)
Thwing, Richard L. - Detective (2020)
Toneck, David F. - Patrolman (2024)
Tracy, John M. "Mike" - Police Officer (2021)
Trusty, Rebecca L. - Police Code Compliance Officer (2025)
Tubolino, Dominick S. - Police Officer (2023)
Tulley, Richard J. - Patrolman (2020)
Velasquez, Arthur - Police Officer (2020)
Vatimo, Mark J. - Police Officer (2024)
Vile, Sean P. - Police Officer (2022)
Waibel, Frank E. Jr. - Detective (2023)
Wallace, James D. - Sergeant (2024)
Walters, Daniel G - Police Officer (2020) 
Walton, Gregory H. - Detective Sergeant (2024)
Warren, Reuben G. - Police Officer (2021)
Waterman, Sean J. - Police Officer (2020)
Weaver, Robert W. II - Detective (2021)
Webb, Dennis R. - Police Officer (2021)
Weber, John W. - Police Officer (2023)
Weed (Benevides), Bette G. - Police Service Officer (2022)
Welsh, Mark R. - Police Officer (2020)
Wetzel, Raymond J. "Charlie" - Detective (2023)
White, Troy A. - Police Officer (2023)
Widner, Richard A. - Police Officer (2020)
Wiermaa, Robert A. - Lieutenant (2024)
Williams, Alphonso - Police Officer (2023)
Williams, James J. - Sergeant (2023)
Williams, Lon L. - Detective Sergeant (2024)
Wisswell, Wilford L. - Lieutenant (2021)
Wolf, William R. - Sergeant (2023)
Zavala, Felix - Detective (2024)
Zuckerman, Fred - Volunteer (2023)